
questions for week 1-4


1. What are the four dimensions?


2. What do people in the remote future eat?


3. How do the people in the future spend their days?



  • 用户675792

    1.  A dimension higher than three.

    2.  Humans.

    3.  Fight with others


  • 武志伟
    1.length,breadth,height and time. 2.they eat fruit and vegetables. 3.they spent all their time playing gently,bathing in rivers


  • 周锦阳221540218
    1.length, breadth, height and time. 2.they eat fruit and vegetables. 3.they spent all their time playing gently, bathing in rivers.


  • 罐装cola。

    2. It is impossible to provide an accurate answer at present about the eating habits of people in the distant future. Because the future of technology and social environment will be unpredictable changes, may bring about a completely different diet and lifestyle. However, it is predictable that with the increasing emphasis on health and sustainability, diets in the future may be more balanced, diverse and healthy, and richer and innovative dietary options may be developed using new technologies and new ingredients.

    3. It is impossible to determine the daily lifestyle and activities of future human beings. Due to the unpredictability of technological and social developments, people in the future may have a variety of possible daily activities. It can be speculated that the daily life of the future society may be more digital and automated, and the degree of interaction and collaboration between people and machines may be higher. In addition, as people pay more attention to the environment and health, people in the future may become more involved in physical exercise and health activities to ensure physical and mental health. All in all, in the future, people's lifestyles and activity schedules may vary from time to time and place, and may change differently than they do now.


  • 罐装cola。

    1. Four dimensions refers to the four dimensions of space and time, namely length, width, height and time. In science and mathematics, these four dimensions are necessary to describe any object or event. For example, in relativity, space and time are indivisible wholes known as spacetime, so we must consider the motion and position of objects in four dimensions in order to accurately describe their properties and behavior.


  • 曾达弈
    Answer length, width, height, time of the first question. Answer to question two: They eat fruits and vegetables Answer to Question 3: A Comfortable Life


  • 长歌

    The four dimensions are length, width, height, and time.

    the people in the remote future eat only fruit, mainly from the Morlocks' underground gardens.

    the people in the future spend their days in leisurely activities such as eating fruit, sleeping, playing, and bathing in the river. 


  • 长歌

    The four dimensions are length, width, height, and time.

    the people in the remote future (specifically the Eloi) eat only fruit, mainly from the Morlocks' underground gardens.

     the people in the future (specifically the Eloi) spend their days in leisurely activities such as eating fruit, sleeping, playing, and bathing in the river. 


  • 张起华

    1.length,breadth,height and time.

    2.they eat fruit and vegetables.

    3.they spent all their time playing gently,bathing in rivers.


  • 唐浩
    1:Length, Breadth, Thickness, and—Duration. 2:Fruit. 3:To adorn themselves with flowers, to dance, to sing in the sunlight.
