
questions for week 1-4


1. What are the four dimensions?


2. What do people in the remote future eat?


3. How do the people in the future spend their days?



  • 杨苏珏
    1.The four dimensions typically refer to thdimensions of space -time line white heictime.2.Most people eat the same normal food as they do today, but it contains many times more nutrientsthan today's food3.in the future,people play every day ,carefree.3.In the future,people play every day ,carefree.


  • 荣敏然221440286
    Space has three latitudes, length, height and width We all understand that in a two-dimensional plane, you can reproduce a three-dimensional object.The same way you can recreate a four - dimensional object 2、Most people eat the same normal food as they do today, but it contains many times more nutrients than today's food 3、In the future, people will spend their time mainly for entertainment, including watching sci-tech movies and so on


  • 荣敏然221440286

    1、Space has three latitudes, length, height and width We all understand that in a two-dimensional plane, you can reproduce a three-dimensional object.The same way you can recreate a four - dimensional object 2、Most people eat the same normal food as they do today, but it contains many times more nutrients than today's food 3、In the future, people will spend their time mainly for entertainment, including watching sci-tech movies and so on

    2.In the future,people in the land only eat fruit,and the people who live underground eat Eloi people.

    3.In the future,people play every day,carefree.


  • 曾智悦
    1.Four dimensions is time of duration. 2.In the future,people in the land only eat fruit, and the people who live underground eat Eloi people. 3. In the future, people will spend their time mainly forentertainment, including watching sci-tech movies and so on


  • 用户661720
    1.Four dimensions are time of duration. 2.People will eat fruit at furtue. 3.People will play every day and everyday is carefree.


  • 吴少瑞
    four dimension is time of duration,and peoplewill eat the fruitsand vegetables in the future,they will could speed wall of their time for the thingswhichtheylove


  • 用户661864

    1.They are really four dimensions ,three which we call the three planes of space and a fourth ,time.

    2.They eat a purple plant that is similar to a fruit grown in the yard outside. 

    3.They live in spacious buildings, dress simply, and have no obvious social division of labor,The other kind of people are hard, desperately serving the race ahead.


  • 李家强
    ​The four dimensions, as commonly used in the field of physics and mathematics, refer to the three spatial dimensions (length, height, and width) and one temporal dimension (time). Together, these four dimensions make up the fabric of spacetime in our universe. However, it's important to note that the concept of dimensions can vary depending on the field of study and context in which it's being used.


  • 赵建雄

    1、Space has three latitudes, length, height and width We all understand that in a two-dimensional plane, you can reproduce a three-dimensional object.The same way you can recreate a four - dimensional object.

    2.In the future,people in the land only eat fruit,and the people who live underground eat Eloi people.

    In the future, people will spend their time mainly for entertainment, including watching sci-tech movies and so on.


  • 檀昊辰
    1.Four dimensions is time of duration.2.In the future,people in the land only eat fruit,and the people who live underground eat Eloi people.3.In the future,people play every day,carefree.
