谭淼In the spring when it is warm, nature becomes more and more beautiful with trees and grass turning green and all the flowers blossoming. It is a good time for people to go sightseeing, boating, and picnicking. In summer, it is too hot outdoors, so they like to stay at home, enjoying cold watertnelon or ice cream.
聂佳睿People spend their days in a leisurely and carefree manner. They do not seem to have any work or responsibilities, and they spend their time playing,singing, and dancing. They also spend a lot of time lounging in the sun and sleeping. The Time Traveler observes that the Eloi seem to have lost their curiosity and sense of purpose, and they do not seem to have any desire to learn or explore. They live in a state of perpetual happiness and contentment, but they also seem to lack any real depth or complexity in their lives
杜镇江'Seeing the ease and security in which these people were living, I felt that this close resemblance of the sexes was after all what one would expect; for the strength of a man and the softness of a woman, the institution of the family, and the differentiation of occupations are mere militant necessities of an age of physical force; where population is balanced and abundant, much childbearing becomes an evil rather than a blessing to the State; where violence comes but rarely and off-spring are secure, there is less necessity—indeed there is no necessity—for an efficient family, and the specialization of the sexes with reference to their children's needs disappears.
李毅People spend their days in a leisurely and carefree manner. They do not seem to have any work or responsibilities, and they spend their time playing, singing, and dancing. They also spend a lot of time lounging in the sun and sleeping. The Time Traveler observes that the Eloi seem to have lost their curiosity and sense of purpose, and they do not seem to have any desire to learn or explore. They live in a state of perpetual happiness and contentment, but they also seem to lack any real depth or complexity in their lives