


1. What are the four dimensions?

2. What do people in the remote future eat?

3. How do the people in the future spend their days?

4. What do the time travelers take with him when he goes to the future?

5. What is the time traveler think of the Palace of Green Porcelain in the future?

6. Where do you think the time traveler is in the end?

7. Who is Hannah Green?

8. What do Harry learn to do in Leavitt’s shop?

  9. What is Harry’s motto?

10. why does Luke feel angry with Harry?

11. What do you think of the character of Harry?  

12. What do you think of the character of Luke?



  • 龙冠廷



  • 龙冠廷
    1.depth temperature elegance time


  • 张雨菡
    Without context or information about the?book or story?it is not possible to determine Harry of motto.


  • 张雨菡
    In the future people only eat?fruits have entered a?severe state of low intelligence


  • 张雨菡
    1.four dimensions are depth temperature elegance?time.


  • 陈銍

    1. The four dimensions typically refer to length, width, height, and time in the context of physics and mathematics.

    2. It is difficult to predict exactly what people in the remote future will eat as it depends on various factors such as technological advancements, cultural changes, and availability of resources. However, it is possible that future diets could include more sustainable and environmentally friendly options, such as lab-grown meat or plant-based alternatives.

    3. The activities and daily routines of people in the future can vary greatly depending on societal changes and individual preferences. Some possibilities could include engaging in virtual reality experiences, pursuing creative endeavors, participating in advanced technology research, or exploring new forms of entertainment and leisure.

    4. The items a time traveler takes with them to the future would depend on their personal needs and intentions. It could include essentials such as clothing, food, water, and any necessary equipment for survival or exploration. Additionally, they may choose to bring items of historical or sentimental value.

    5. The perception of the Palace of Green Porcelain in the future would depend on the specific time period the time traveler visits and their personal perspective. Without further context, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer.

    6. The location of the time traveler at the end of their journey would depend on the specific story or narrative being referred to. Without more information, it is impossible to determine their final destination.

    7. I'm sorry, but I don't have any information about a specific person named Hannah Green. There could be multiple individuals with that name, so it would be helpful to provide more context or details.

    8. Without specific information about the book or story you are referring to, it is not possible to answer this question accurately. Please provide more context or details.

    9. Similarly, without context or information about the book or story, it is not possible to determine Harry's motto.

    10. The reason why Luke feels angry with Harry would depend on the specific circumstances or events that occurred in the story you are referring to. Please provide more context or details.

    11. The character of Harry would need more context or information about the specific book, movie, or story being referred to in order to provide an opinion.

    12. Similarly, without specific context or information about the character of Luke in a particular book, movie, or story, it is not possible to form an opinion.


  • 刘东艳

    4. He brought a box of matches.


  • 刘东艳

    3. They spend time in doing useless things.They have delicious food and drinks. 


  • 刘东艳

    3.they spend time in doing useless things.they have delicious food and drinks.


  • 刘东艳

    2. On the ground people eat fruits,other people eat meats which maybe from ground people.
