
8/4 课后讨论问题 - Putnam's brains in a vat


Some people think that even though we are not merely brains in a vat, there are limits to our free will. In other words, to some extent, we may think that our characters and behavior are determined by factors external to our own willing. Do you agree? What are the implications of this account?



  • Wanrui



  • Wanrui




  • Vivian
    Everyone has their own environment of growth. I think the children's free will in China is often suppressed because the parents will tell their children that you can't do this and you can't do that, so usually the children's personality is most influenced by their parents. Even after we have formed our own values, our behavior is still limited by the social environment. Human beings are social animals. Therefore, in order to live in a society, we must obey the rules of the society instead of following our own free will.


  • 胡博元同学
    I definitely think so. Our basic mores and characteristics are influenced by our original family. For instance, a kid being raised in an unstable family where the parents fight a lot may grow up to have some kind of emotional obstacle, whereas a kid who was pampered is more likely to grow up and become vulnerable, facing difficulties dealing with troubles in the society. Another factor external to our own willing is our educational environment, which can directly lead to different cognitive abilities, expression skill and horizon. This may promote, or prevent us from continuous self-improvement, and affect the rest of our lives. This is probably why the government tend to give children from poor places special policies, like mark adding in college entrance exam, as part of the poverty relief programs to let them share equal chances of getting a good education.


  • Liumi
    I think this view is reasonable, because I think that people are the product of the environment, a person's living environment will affect a person's work habits, personality and way of thinking. For example, we always say that children are the shadow of their parents, because parents are the first teachers of children and the people who accompany them and create an environment for them. Therefore, children's behavior will be influenced by their parents. For another example, in ancient China, there were stories of Mencius'Mother Moved Three Times, which just shows that the environment has a great influence on one's growth.Therefore, people's behavior will be affected by some uncontrollable external factors. However,I think that people have subjective initiative. In fact, people can improve their cognitive level and behavioral pattern through acquired training (eg:education, reading, practice, etc.) In this way,people can reduce the impact of external adverse factors.For example, when some people do not have reasonable and effective communication with others, they will read the book of Nonviolent Communication to improve their communication methods.


  • yesterday198

    Some people say that  people's outlook on life is formed under the influence of every book, every movie, every friend they have had contact with and everything outside. It's an undeniable influence, but I still think that free will is important for human development, and it's important for women. Women's independence, social status and power of speech are all achieved only through free will and everyone's struggle. If a woman wants to save herself, she must first have a self. Of course, this change may be the beginning of another dilemma, but if a woman never has free will, she will always despair. In the Neapolitan Tetralogy, both heroines rebel of their own free will, and may not be successful, but they have at least gained some autonomy in their lives.


  • citn
    我认为自由意志是个体灵魂的独立选择。有些时候,由于社会关系和现实环境,我们不得不被限制决策。有些人天生就没有享受到应有的资源,也许ta的自由意志是很薄弱受限的。 然而,我依然觉得,自由意志的最伟大之处在于,它可以选择进入不自由处。世界上的事情如果想要了结,最快速的方法就是自杀。在不堪承受的苦境中挣扎,在生死之间,你的自由意志选择了更难的那一条路。 所以,我不否认有些人也许一辈子都意识不到自由意志,也许整个人生都催人泪下。但是我们不应该站在高处俯视,也没有资格悲悯。只要仍在生存,仍在挣扎,这本身就是生命自由意志的彰显。(不好意思,可能有些偏题了(-ι_- ))


