安轩岐In "School and Society," John Dewey explores the relationship betweenIn "School and Society," John Dewey explores the relationship between education and societal progress by arguing that education should be closely integrated with the needs and values of society. He believes that education is not an isolated process but is deeply connected to the broader social context in which it takes place.
安轩岐In "School and Society," John Dewey explores the relationship betweenIn "School and Society," John Dewey explores the relationship between education and societal progress by arguing that education should be closely integrated with the needs and values of society. He believes that education is not an isolated process but is deeply connected to the broader social context in which it takes place. 翻译
肖轲轩John Dewey's theory of democratic education can also be referred to as pragmatic teaching theory. In the current social context, we can understand that schools need to mobilize students' subjective initiative, cultivate their enthusiasm and independence, and improve their practical abilities.