
《学校与社会》Week 13-16


10. What are the two sides concerning the work in science in school?

11. What are the features of educational theory may be noted?

12. What is the aim of historical instruction?



  • 严诚浩

    10.Research management is an important component of school work, mainly responsible for organizing, coordinating, and managing

    11.In the field of education, the characteristic of educational theory is that complex and diverse educational theories are often rooted in specific historical backgrounds and environmental conditions. Therefore, understanding their development process is crucial for understanding their core viewpoints and principles. Many educational theories have their philosophical foundations, and these philosophical viewpoints have influenced the formation and implementation of educational theories. Transaction theory usually involves the purpose and cultivation of education, as well as the imparting of knowledge or skills to citizens

    12.By studying history, students can better understand past events and trends, thereby cultivating an understanding of historical changes and developments.

    Developing students' critical thinking abilities: History teaching is not only about helping students remember historical events, but more importantly, it cultivates their ability to analyze and evaluate historical events, thereby developing critical thinking abilities.


  • 楚浩然
    I. it's ture of visitor to a school who recognize, in varying degrees, what is actually done with the children before their eyes, but who rarely have either the interest? or the time to cons ider the work in relation to? underlyingproblems. From the university standpoint, the most important part of its work is the scientitfic 2. I. the study of natural objects rocesses and relations is placed ina human? setting During? the year, a considerably detailed?0bservation of? seeds and their growth is undertaken.2. Hence their association with human life.3. the aim? of historical instruction is to enable the child to appreciate the values of social l计fe, to see in imagination the forces with favor and let men's effectitve cooperation with one another


  • 李晨赫230440401

     There are two main sides to the work in science in school. On the one hand, science education aims to provide students with a solid foundation of scientific knowledge and concepts. On the other hand, science education also aims to cultivate students' scientific thinking skills, such as observation, experimentation, and data analysis. 11. Educational theory has several key features that may be noted. Firstly, educational theory is based on research and evidence, and seeks to understand how people learn and develop over time. Secondly, educational theory emphasizes the importance of context and culture in learning, and recognizes that different learners have different needs and abilities. Thirdly, educational theory is constantly evolving, and new theories are being developed all the time to address new challenges and opportunities in education. 12. The aim of historical instruction is to provide students with a deep understanding of the past, including the events, people, and ideas that shaped history. Through studying history, students can gain insights into the present day and make connections between different periods and places. Additionally, historical instruction can help students develop critical thinking skills, such as analyzing sources, interpreting evidence, and evaluating arguments. Ultimately, the goal of historical instruction is to foster a deeper appreciation of human culture and civilization, and to inspire students to become engaged and informed citizens in the world today


  • 彭琳涵
    10. There are two main sides to the work in science in school. On the one hand, science education aims to provide students with a solid foundation of scientific knowledge and concepts. On the other hand, science education also aims to cultivate students' scientific thinking skills, such as observation, experimentation, and data analysis. 11. Educational theory has several key features that may be noted. Firstly, educational theory is based on research and evidence, and seeks to understand how people learn and develop over time. Secondly, educational theory emphasizes the importance of context and culture in learning, and recognizes that different learners have different needs and abilities. Thirdly, educational theory is constantly evolving, and new theories are being developed all the time to address new challenges and opportunities in education. 12. The aim of historical instruction is to provide students with a deep understanding of the past, including the events, people, and ideas that shaped history. Through studying history, students can gain insights into the present day and make connections between different periods and places. Additionally, historical instruction can help students develop critical thinking skills, such as analyzing sources, interpreting evidence, and evaluating arguments. Ultimately, the goal of historical instruction is to foster a deeper appreciation of human culture and civilization, and to inspire students to become engaged and informed citizens in the world today.


  • 弓景博
    l.it's ture of visitor to a school who recognize ,in varying degrees, what is actually done with the children before their eyes,but who rarely have either the interest?or the time to cons ider the work in relation to? underlyingproblems. From the university standpoint,the most important part of its work is the scientitfic 2.l.the study of natural objects rocesses and relations is placed ina human?setting During?the year,a considerably detailed?0bservation of?seeds and their growth is undertaken.2.Hence their association with human life.3.the aim?of historical instruction is to enable the child to appreciate the values of social l计fe,to see in imagination the forces with favor and let men's effectitve cooperation with one another


  • 黄钰淇
    1.it's ture of visitor to a school who recognize ,in varying degrees,what is actually done with the children before their eyes,but who rarely have either the interest?or the time to consider the work in relation to?underlying problems. From the university standpoint,the most important part of its work is the scientific 2.1.the study of natural objects processes and relations is placed in a human?setting During?the year,a considerably detailed?observation of?seeds and their growth is undertaken.2.Hence their association with human life.3.the aim?of historical instruction is to enable the child to appreciate the values of social life,to see in imagination the forces with favor and let men's effective cooperation with one another
