


1. What does the author suggest that we should conceive the occupations in the school?

2. What is the great waste in the school from the standpoint of the child?

3. What role does literature play in the school education?

4. What are the two sides concerning the work in science in school?

5. What are the features of educational theory may be noted?

6. What is the aim of historical instruction?



  • 张荣鑫
    1.The author suggests that we should conceive the occupations in the school as the expression of child's own life. Occupations in the school should be based on children's interests and talents, and should help them develop their abilities and potential. Occupations in the school should also be related to real life and prepare children for future careers. 2. Lack of Interest: If the child is not interested in the subjects or activities provided by the school, they may feel bored and unengaged. This can lead to a waste of the child's time and energy, as they are not actively participating and learning. 3.Help students understand the society better. 4.The author highlights the significance of scientific endeavors in educational institutions and promotes the development of students' scientific literacy and problem-solving skills through scientific experiments and investigations. Nevertheless,various readers may hold distinct perspectives on how to maintain a equilibrium between disseminating scientific knowledge and nurturing scientific reasoning, as well as how to optimally distribute limited educational resources. 5. Educational theory is a set of beliefs and principles that guide educational practice. It is based on research and experience, and has been used to interpret, predict, and shape educational practice. 6.The aim of historical instruction is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the past, including events, people, and societal changes. Historical instruction aims to develop critical thinking skills, analytical abilities, and a sense of historical consciousness among students. It also helps students understand the connections between the past and the present, fostering a deeper appreciation for cultural heritage and promoting informed citizenship.


  • wu昊南

    5. Some features of educational theory that may be noted include the emphasis on student-centered learning, the recognition of individual differences and diverse learning styles, the importance of hands-on and experiential learning, the integration of technology, and the promotion of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

    6. The aim of historical instruction is to help students develop an understanding of the past, its impact on the present, and its implications for the future. It cultivates historical thinking skills, such as analyzing primary sources, interpreting historical events, and recognizing patterns and connections. Historical instruction also promotes cultural awareness, empathy, and a sense of identity and belonging.


  • wu昊南


  • wu昊南

     4,On one hand, it provides students with opportunities to explore and understand the natural world, develop scientific thinking, and acquire practical skills. On the other hand, it can sometimes be limited by a focus on memorization and rote learning, neglecting the process of inquiry and discovery.


  • wu昊南

    3. Literature plays a crucial role in school education as it helps students develop critical thinking skills, empathy, and a deeper understanding of the human experience. It exposes them to different perspectives, cultures, and ideas, fostering creativity and imagination. Literature also enhances language skills and communication abilities.


  • wu昊南
    2. From the standpoint of the child, the great waste in the school is the lack of individualized attention and focus on their unique needs and interests. The rigid curriculum and standardized testing often overlook the diverse talents and potential of each child, leading to a waste of their abilities and passions.


  • wu昊南
    1. The author suggests that we should conceive the occupations in the school as a diverse and inclusive community where students can explore their interests, develop their skills, and grow into responsible and engaged citizens.


  • 赵飞231540812
    5、Dewey's educational theory has the following characteristics worth noting: First, his educational theory is based on pragmatism, emphasizing that education should serve students' life and help them adapt to the needs of society. Secondly, he emphasized the individualization of education, believing that education should respect each student's personality and interests and help them achieve self-development. Thirdly, he emphasized the practical nature of education, believing that students should learn through practice and experience, not just through book knowledge. Finally, he stressed the democratic nature of education, believing that education should provide equal opportunities for all people and promote social fairness and justice.


  • 赵飞231540812
    4、Dewey believes that there are two aspects of school science work: on the one hand, schools should teach scientific knowledge and scientific methods to help students understand and master the basic principles and methods of science; On the other hand, schools should cultivate students' scientific spirit and attitude so that they can use scientific methods to solve problems.


  • 赵飞231540812
    3、Dewey believes that literature plays an important role in school education. It can cultivate students' imagination and creativity, help them understand and appreciate humanity's cultural heritage, and cultivate their emotional and aesthetic abilities.
