汪芮民1.Micro yet obvious, Ambiguous yet obscure, graceful yet composed , thorough yet not impure, punishing evil while encouraging good2.he said Great Man doesn't lose his child's hear.3.Conscience is based on behavioral norms and value standards that are widely recognized by the real society and recognized by oneself
1. The five major principles in Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annual may include righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trustworthiness, and loyalty. But the specific principles may vary depending on different interpretations and understandings.
2. Mencius might describe a "Great Man" as someone with noble virtues, moral integrity, and the ability to act for the greater good and justice.
3. In Chinese, "Conscience" may involve moral awareness, a sense of right and wrong, empathy, and an inner sense of obligation to do what is good and just.
Miracle2za1. The five major principles in Zuo's Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annual may include righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trustworthiness, and loyalty. But the specific principles can vary depending on different interpretations. 2. Mencius might describe a "Great Man" as one with noble virtues, moral integrity, and the ability to act for the common good and uphold justice. 3. The concept of "Conscience" in Chinese might include moral awareness, a sense of right and wrong, empathy, and an inner sense of what is proper and just.