



1.      What is “Ink Wash Painting”?


2.      What does “Being Both Opposite and Complementary” mean?


3.      What is the sequence between “action” and “knowledge”?



  • 汪芮民
    I."Ink Wash Painting"is a traditional Chinese painting style that typically uses black ink and water to create various tones and forms, emphasizing simplicity, fluidity, and the expression of mood and spirit. 2. "Being Both Opposite and Complementary" likely refers to the concept in Chinese philosophy that opposite elements or forces are not only in opposition but also mutuallu complement and interact with each other, forming a dynamic and harmonious whole. 3. Regarding the sequence between "action" and "knowledge, " it could vary depending on different philosophical or educational perspectives. It might involve the idea that knowledge informs and guides action, or that action leads to the acquisition and refinement of knowledge, or a combination and interaction of the two.


  • 汪芮民
    I."Ink Wash Painting"is a traditional Chinese painting style that typically uses black ink and water to create various tones and forms, emphasizing simplicity, fluidity, and the expression of mood and spirit. 2. "Being Both Opposite and Complementary" likely refers to the concept in Chinese philosophy that opposite elements or forces are not only in opposition but also mutuallu complement and interact with each other, forming a dynamic and harmonious whole. 3. Regarding the sequence between "action" and "knowledge, " it could vary depending on different philosophical or educational perspectives. It might involve the idea that knowledge informs and guides action, or that action leads to the acquisition and refinement of knowledge, or a combination and interaction of the two.


  • 周言涵

    1. "Ink Wash Painting" is a traditional Chinese painting style that typically uses black ink and water to create various tones and forms, emphasizing simplicity, fluidity, and the expression of mood and spirit.

    2. "Being Both Opposite and Complementary" likely refers to the concept in Chinese philosophy that opposite elements or forces are not only in opposition but also mutually complement and interact with each other, forming a dynamic and harmonious whole.

    3. Regarding the sequence between "action" and "knowledge," it could vary depending on different philosophical or educational perspectives. It might involve the idea that knowledge informs and guides action, or that action leads to the acquisition and refinement of knowledge, or a combination and interaction of the two.


  • Miracle2za
    1. "Ink Wash Painting" is a traditional Chinese painting style that uses mainly black ink and water to create images with a unique aesthetic, emphasizing simplicity, fluidity, and the expression of spirit. 2. "Being Both Opposite and Complementary" likely refers to the concept in Chinese philosophy that seemingly opposite or contrary elements actually complement and interact with each other, such as yin and yang, to form a harmonious whole. 3. Regarding the sequence between "action" and "knowledge," different interpretations and theories within Chinese thought may vary. It could involve the relationship between practical action and the acquisition or application of knowledge, with various perspectives on which may come first or how they interact.
