



1.      How does the Time traveler feel when traveling in time machine?


2.      What is people’s life like in the future?


3.      Who is the friend the time traveler makes?



  • 汪芮民
    I. The Time Traveler likely feels a sense of wonder, excitement, and perhaps some trepidation as he undertakes the journey through time. He may also experience confusion or astonishment at the strange and unfamiliar things he encounters along the way. 2. In the future described in the book, there are two distinct humanoid species: the Eloi, who are small, weak, and live a seemingly idyllic but rather simplistic life; and the Morlocks, who are subterranean, more primitive-looking, and have a more menacing presence. Society has apparently evolved in a very dif ferent and stratified way. 3. The Time Traveler makes friends with Weena, an Eloi girl.


  • 汪芮民
    I. The Time Traveler likely feels a sense of wonder, excitement, and perhaps some trepidation as he undertakes the journey through time. He may also experience confusion or astonishment at the strange and unfamiliar things he encounters along the way. 2. In the future described in the book, there are two distinct humanoid species: the Eloi, who are small, weak, and live a seemingly idyllic but rather simplistic life; and the Morlocks, who are subterranean, more primitive-looking, and have a more menacing presence. Society has apparently evolved in a very dif ferent and stratified way. 3. The Time Traveler makes friends with Weena, an Eloi girl. Miracle


  • 周言涵

    1. The Time Traveler likely feels a sense of wonder, excitement, and perhaps some trepidation as he undertakes the journey through time. He may also experience confusion or astonishment at the strange and unfamiliar things he encounters along the way.

    2. In the future described in the book, there are two distinct humanoid species: the Eloi, who are small, weak, and live a seemingly idyllic but rather simplistic life; and the Morlocks, who are subterranean, more primitive-looking, and have a more menacing presence. Society has apparently evolved in a very different and stratified way.

    3. The Time Traveler makes friends with Weena, an Eloi girl.


  • Miracle2za
    1. The Time Traveler likely feels a sense of wonder, curiosity, and perhaps some trepidation or disorientation as he travels through time. He might also experience a thrill or excitement at seeing different eras. 2. In the future described in the book, there are two distinct races: the Eloi who are small, weak, and live a simple, almost idyllic life, and the Morlocks who are subterranean, more primitive, and pose a threat. Society has evolved in a very different way with distinct social structures and living conditions. 3. The Time Traveler makes friends with Weena, an Eloi woman.
