

1. How does the Time traveler feel when traveling in time machine?

2. What is people’s life like in the future?

3. Who is the friend the time traveler makes?



  • 叶梓豪
    1.The Time traveler have excitement about the new world to fear and uncertainty about the unknown. 2. loi people are evolved from the rich or ruling class, they live on the ground the society is highly automated, so they become small, slender limbs, white skin, simple mind, only know to eat and play. The Morlocks evolved from the working class, living underground and only coming out at night to feed the Eloi, cunning, cruel and bloodthirsty.3.Some humans


  • 用户719525
    1.The time travler have excitement about the new world to fear and uncertainty about unknown.2.In the future,humans habe split into ghe passive,surface-dwelling ElOi amd the subterranean.3.He be friends weeena,an Eloi,who helps him understand this dvstoaian world.


  • 罗沐蓉
    1、The Time traveler have excitement about the new world to fear and uncertainty about the unknown.2、One race called Eloi,they are evolved from the rich or ruling class,they live on the ground,the society is highly automated,so they become small,slender limbs,white skin,simple mind,only know to eat and play.The other called Morlocks,they evolved from the working class,living underground and only coming out at night to feed the Eloi,cunning,cruel and bloodthirsty.3、An Eloi people called Weena.


  • 熊天萍
    1、The Time traveler have excitement about the new world to fear and uncertainty about the unknown.2、One race called Eloi,they are evolved from the rich or ruling class,they live on the ground,the society is highly automated,so they become small,slender limbs,white skin,simple mind,only know to eat and play.The other called Morlocks,they evolved from the working class,living underground and only coming out at night to feed the Eloi,cunning,cruel and bloodthirsty.3、An Eloi people called Weena.


  • 王冠 WG
    王冠 WG
    1. The Time Traveler experiences awe, fear, and concern as he explores the future, witnessing humanity's divergent evolution. 2. In the future, humans have split into the passive, surface-dwelling Eloi and the subterranean, predatory Morlocks, reflecting a grim outcome of societal divides. 3. He befriends Weena, an Eloi, who helps him understand this dystopian world.


  • HHHH
    1.The Time traveler have excitement about the new world to fear and uncertainty about the unknown. 2.One race called Eloi, they are evolved from the rich or ruling class, they live on the ground, the society is highly automated, so they become small, slender limbs, white skin, simple mind, only know to eat and play. The other called Morlocks, they evolved from the working class, living underground and only coming out at night to feed the Eloi, cunning, cruel and bloodthirsty. 3.An Eloi people called Weena.


  • 张祥玉
    1.The Time traveler have excitement about the new world to fear and uncertainty about the unknown. 2.One race called Eloi, they are evolved from the rich or ruling class, they live on the ground, the society is highly automated, so they become small, slender limbs, white skin, simple mind, only know to eat and play.The other called Morlocks, they evolved from the working class, living underground and only coming out at night to feed the Eloi, cunning, cruel and bloodthirsty. 3.An Eloi people called Weena.


  • 程烁
    1.The Time traveler have excitement about the new world to fear and uncertainty about the unknown. 2.One race called Eloi,they are evolved from the rich or ruling class, they live on the ground, the society is highly automated, so they become small, slender limbs, white skin, simple mind, only know to eat and play. The other called Morlocks ,they evolved from the working class, living underground and only coming out at night to feed the Eloi, cunning, cruel and bloodthirsty. 3.An Eloi people called Weena.


  • 苏新喻
    1.The Time traveler have excitement about the new world to fear and uncertainty about the unknown. 2.One race called Eloi,they are evolved from the rich or ruling class, they live on the ground, the society is highly automated, so they become small,slender limbs, white skin, simple mind, only know to eat and play.The other called Morlocks, they evolved from the working class, living underground and only coming out at night to feed the Eloi, cunning, cruel and bloodthirsty. 3.An Eloi people called Weena.


  • 余博
    1.The Time traveler have excitement about the new world to fear and uncertainty about the unknown. 2.One race called Eloi,they are evolved from the rich or ruling class, they live on the ground, the society is highly automated, so they become small, slender limbs, white skin, simple mind, only know to eat and play. The other called Morlocks ,they evolved from the working class, living underground and only coming out at night to feed the Eloi, cunning, cruel and bloodthirsty. 3.An Eloi people called Weena.
