
Tess--Chapter 6


6. How long did Tess stay at the d’Urbervilles’ home? What was Tess’s mother reaction after Tess told her the whole story?

美文赏欣:So she spent almost all her time in her bedroom, which she shared with the children. From here she watched the wind, the snow, the rain, beautiful sunsets and full moons, one after another. People began to think she had gone away. She only went out after dark, to walk in the woods and the fields. She was not afraid of the dark or the shadows; it was people she was anxious to avoid. She was at home on the lonely hills, but she felt guilty surrounded by innocent nature. When it rained, she thought nature was crying at her weakness, and when the midnight wind blew she thought nature was angry with her. But she did not realize that although she had broken an accepted social rule, she had done nothing against nature. She was as innocent as the sleeping birds in the trees, or the small field animals in the hedges. 



  • 用户702313
    About four months.She was shocked and disappointed.


  • 用户701569
    About four months. She felt sorry for Tess.


  • 海外院第一深情
    Tess stayed at the d'Urbervilles' home for several days, and after Tess told her the whole story, her mother reacted with a mix of shock, anger, and concern.


  • 弥弥
    About four months.


  • 用户701559
    For four months, her mother thought she was only thinking about herself.


  • L_jihyeon
    When Tess told her mother what had happened, she was shocked and distressed


  • 用户701590
    Tess stayed at the d'Urbervilles' home for a relatively short period of time, around a few months. After Tess told her mother the whole story, her mother was shocked and devastated by the news. She was deeply distressed for Tess and struggled to come to terms with the difficult situation her daughter had found herself in. As for the passage you've shared: This passage illustrates Tess's isolation and emotional turmoil following the traumatic events she has experienced. It conveys her feelings of guilt and unworthiness, as well as her deep connection with nature. Tess's perception of nature's reactions reflects her internal struggle and her sense of being judged by society. The passage captures Tess's complex emotions and her deep introspection during this challenging time in her life. I hope this helps address your questions and provides insight into the novel. If you have any more inquiries or need further assistance, feel free to ask!


  • 陈玉英
    Tess lived with the d'Urbervilles for four months. 


  • 李小梁Jadon Lee
    李小梁Jadon Lee
    Four months. Because her mother's first reaction was to blame the bad family instead of thinking about what she had done.


  • 李小梁Jadon Lee
    李小梁Jadon Lee
    Because her mother's first reaction was to blame the bad family instead of thinking about what she had done.
