1.Why does a greek hero fight in a war?
1)the responsibility of being the leader, of possessing all the privileges.
2) the honour, the admiration and respect of their people
3) the possession of resources: to pursue the best living condition, food, location ect.
4)the value of one’s live: since no one could be literally immortal, we should fight
to extend one’s personal value.
Eva.Shang1 Trojan elders did not hate Helen for bringing war but they would rather prefer her leaving with Greece and bring peace back. 2 I think Paris is flexible and wit and find favor in god's eyes, but he btoke the oath with Greece for his desire for Helen and prolong the suffer of war for his people. Menelaus is brave and loyalty but maybe not that good as Paris as words so the gods and Helen chose the side of Paris, but he is a good warrior. 3人间祸福受到天界的影响,因为宋祖赵匡胤得罪玉皇大帝所以天降逆族,如来为保宋朝十八代气数降下忠臣 钱彩认为宋金交战的原因在开国就有根源,因果已定 。
1.Trojan elders don't think the war is the woman's sake,they admair Helen.They do not blame her because she is fearfully a immortal goddesses,she is lovely,everyone falls in love her at the first sight and desires her,she shouldn't be blamed.
2.From the duel I know that they all worship the spirit of the warrior,Paris moves quickly,but he is not as clever as Menelaus,he got the bless of Aphrodite.He is brave and honest,he sacrifice himselves for love,quite gentle to Helen.Menelaus is good at tactics,maybe he is not strong enough.He says his prayers and think of the future generation,he is not only a dueler but also a thinker.
大家好 今天的Reading Assignment是 Iliad Book 3 lines 121-170(Helen on the wall of Troy); 245-end(Duel between Menelaus and Paris) 以及说岳全传的第一回 阅读期间大家可以思考的问题是
1) What was the view of the old men of Troy on Helen? Do they blame her? Why? (line150-165) 2) What did the duel between Paris and Menelaus tell us about their character?
3) 在第一回中,钱彩对金国和宋朝之间的战争给出的理由是什么?