In this part , Socrates believes that all of the rhythm and mode and speech of music for a ideal country is come from the good and fair disposition. Additionally, craftsman also need to create the good and fair work for citizen since that can provide this country the best education. But I consider that craftsman, as Socrates said, especially for the poet and writer, shouldn’t obey to write what government want their write because poem and article are ways to express and release people’s own opinions and their emotion. Thus, if the poet and writer obey this policy, they will add several unhappiness to this country and this country can not called republic.
Socrates also mentions that children need to be taught how to make a clear distinction between right and wrong so that when children grow up, they will following the right one. Socrates describe the definition of love which I totally agree —the naturally right is kind of love to love in a moderate and musical way what's orderly and fine.
In this part , Socrates believes that all of the rhythm and mode and speech of music for a ideal country is come from the good and fair disposition. Additionally, craftsman also need to create the good and fair work for citizen since that can provide this country the best education. But I consider that craftsman, as Socrates said, especially for the poet and writer, shouldn’t obey to write what government want their write because poem and article are ways to express and release people’s own opinions and their emotion. Thus, if the poet and writer obey this policy, they will add several unhappiness to this country and this country can not called republic.
Socrates also mentions that children need to be taught how to make a clear distinction between right and wrong so that when children grow up, they will following the right one. Socrates describe the definition of love which I totally agree —the naturally right is kind of love to love in a moderate and musical way what's orderly and fine.
Verena刘一朵Also, lamentation and wailing should not appear in the speech. So here are three questions, plato uses these three questions to let people know the significance of harmonic mode. 1.What’s wailing means? -As a musician, wailing mode means Lydian, and Lydian tight with something else. 2.How to create soft aura? -People can use Ionian and Lydian that called slack to create that. So we can know that, as the tonal variation become highest, the aura will be soft and comfortable. 3.How to use them for war-making men? -People can use Dorian and Phrygian. Plato use the mode of songs to analog people. Just like Dorian and Phrygian, because there tonal variation is going to lower and lower, so it seems like there is a dim and dangerous person, he may be experience array of bad things entail his characteristics.Another idea is if a person uses Dorian and Phrygian, he is annoy or making a request for someone who’s against his idea. But in all these things, action moderately and in measure and being content with two modes: violence one and voluntary one, which to judge whether he is fortunate and unfortunate, moderate and courageous.(这段没读懂中文也没读懂。。)
Verena刘一朵In Republic 398a-403e, Plato talks about the manner of the song and melody remains. There are three elements that melody contains, they are speech, harmonic mode and rhythm. Firstly, speech. All speech need the same mode no matter it is now or in the past. Harmonic mode and rhythm must follow the speech. It just like a song, the melody of it must be suitable to the lyrics. If the melody is mournful, the lyrics should not be felicity.
Attaching the word love to the relationship S described seems to be a bit strange- the oddity may arise from the lack of an appropriate translation, or the notion of love may have changed over time. Being deprived of sexual appeal, the ‘platonic love’ focuses on fair body and disposition moulded by the rearing music. The Platonic love is purely intellectual since it is deprived of sexual appeal, while love today is both intellectual and reproductive, for sex remains an important element of modern romance. The reproductive purpose may be the reason why S believes sex is inferior to love.
拧发条鸟In book III Socrates discussed how music can be used to rear good citizens, and the distinction between love and sex. ‘Good speech, harmony, grace, rhythm accompany good disposition…’, while ‘gracelessness, clumsiness, inharmoniousness are akin to bad disposition.’ S suggested that people of different occupations should be disposed to different types of music, for example soldiers courageous, peaceful men voluntary. When fine dispositions meet forms that ‘agree and accord with them’, ‘he’ would be the most adorable. One may naturally love a boy with fair soul and flesh, but sex must not approach love, for S’s love is a fatherly love- one may kiss the boy, touch him and be with him, but not have sex with him, or else their relationship would be ruin.
CharlenaIn the Book III, Plato mainly argues about educating people, especially in music and gymnastic. He lay much emphasis on music education, demonstrating why it's important, and how it's supposed to be done. With respect to why it is sovereign, he says the ultimate goal of music education lies in cultivating one's love for the true beauty, which he later interprets into telling the right from the wrong. Then he explains why it should start at an early age, stating that by immersing one in a perfectly beautiful musical world, he could develop the sense of what is right, before he grows up and get rational enough to recognize it. Then regarding how to do it, he suggests abondoning all the lament and wailing part, erasing the ugly and dotted, and thus creating a purified beautiful world for the youth. I don't make much of it. Because as he admits it, there are ugly and evil aspects to almost every physical thing that surrounds us, then if you are gonna face them and live within them on a daily basis, how are the youth supposed to deal with it? Scolding it? Or should they try to change it to beautiful thing? Or they just run off and let it be?
In book III Socrates(Plato) first deals with the problem of poems. Socrates and Glaucon came to an agreement that poems should not be about lament topics and the prose should be nonfiction. In the following paragraphs music was discussed. Similar to poems, music should not disclose a sad feeling or mood. In the three elements they stated, speech should be the dominant factor of the music as the other two elements should not manipulate the speech into a sad mood. In the later paragraphs when they discussed about love, music was used to describe a nature that is similar to moderation.
First of all, I’m not sure if Dorian and Phrygian do ignite a heroic mood for fighters. I consider these two modes much more depressing than the banned “mixed Lydian”(if it stands for mixolydian). Furthermore, I’m very curious about how sad harmonics cannot incite moderation.
FrankPlato puts forward a theorie about two worlds.He thinks that people live in two worlds, one is knowable and unsensible, the other is sensible and unknowable.People can get the knowable concepts by reasoning from real things.The concept is invisible and intangible, and the real thing can only be feit.Gongsun Long, an ancient Chinese famous scholar, has put forward similar theories.His "白马非马(A white horse is not a horse )" and "坚离白" is the relationship between "name" and "reality"."Name" is similar to the conceptual world which is knowable but not sensible."Reality" is similar to the sensible and unknowable real world.There is a difference between Chinese and Western languages.Therefore, it is difficult to explain the problem of white horse and horse in English.But it is understandable that Gongsun Long's emphasis is on the difference between concepts and concepts and the concept is absolute, unchangeable.Plato's emphasis is on the dialectical relationship between the two worlds.