







  • Frank
    Socrates (Plato) believed that "good" is the internal cause and power for the development of all things. It reminds us of Chinese "善", but the two are very different. Chinese good is probably goodness, and it refers to the good aspects of things. If we look at this point of view, Plato's point of view will be that everything will become perfect.But Plato said: a seed, good is the power to make it bud and become a tree, but this seed may abortion or die in the process.So I think good is a trend.The trend of things develop to the best state.The process may be disrupted, and it may also deteriorate.Because good is only internal cause, not the result.


  • Frank
    Socrates (Plato) believed that "good" is the internal cause and power for the development of all things. It reminds us of Chinese "善", but the two are very different. Chinese good is probably goodness, and it refers to the good aspects of things. If we look at this point of view, Plato's point of view will be that everything will become perfect.But Plato said: a seed, good is the power to make it bud and become a tree, but this seed may abortion or die in the process.So I think good is a trend.The trend of things develop to the best state.The process may be disrupted, and it may also deteriorate.Because good is only internal cause,not the result.


  • Millieon18

    Making the hypothesis at the beginning is actually using it as springboard to free it from the form of hypothesis.

    Making no use of anything sensed in any way, but using forms themselves. Truly, it is just like the development of art, going from tangible object, a painting with figures or portraits to what’s called abstract nowadays. Also, what matters in art is to convey the ideas, that explains for  this: as long as you can convey your ideas, the form will not be that important. In the passage the “knowledge of dialectic” and “ what are called the art” are made differently. However, my opinion is that if art can be free of forms, then it doesn’t have to something that is sensed by sight but be sensed with all senses instead. So no matter what it is, conveyed through dialectic or melody or anything, as long as it conveys the idea of art then it is art.


  • Millieon18

    Actually, I am a little bit confused and I don’t see the logic between the sun delivers light so that we see what are seen by us and the truth and knowledge. It seems that sometimes their topic of the conversation jumps, not with the bridges.


  • Millieon18
    When one turns them on those things illuminated by sun, they see clearly and sight shows itself to be in those eyes. I find the idea that the sense of sight and the power of being seen are yoked together, for the reason that, we always take it for granted and these two are already together is our common sense. However, separating these two and discussing them both respectively is brand new for me.


  • Andy叶
    In the chapter six and part of the chapter seven,socrates took a series of metaphors to clarify the concept of the good:the metaphor of the sun,the metaphor of the parallel world and the metaphor of the people living the cave.The most interesting one is the “sun”,the most difficult one is the “parallel world”,the most actual one is the “cave”.sun deliver the lights ,and our eyes absorb the lights then we can see things clearly.the really also works like this:the good release the truth,knowledge and concrete and these things will help us to acquire and acknowledge the world better and better. The “cave”is more likely to be a sarcasm of some phenomena in nowadays society-we are forced to receive something,but with time going by,we mix the boundary of the truth and vanity,we are used to live with these chains.And even force more people to receive these kind of yoke. And that turns to another question--to “adjust” the soul.


  • Andy叶
    In the chapter six and part of the chapter seven,socrates took a series of metaphors to clarify the concept of the good:the metaphor of the sun,the metaphor of the parallel world and the metaphor of the people living the cave.The most interesting one is the “sun”,the most difficult one is the “parallel world”,the most actual one is the “cave”.sun deliver the lights ,and our eyes absorb the lights then we can see things clearly.the really also works like this:the good release the truth,knowledge and concrete and these things will help us to acquire and acknowledge the world better and better. The “cave”is more likely to be a sarcasm of some phenomena in nowadays society-we are forced to receive something,but with time going by,we mix the boundary of the truth and vanity,we are used to live with these chains.And even force more people to receive these kind of yoke. And that turns to another question--to “adjust” the soul.


  • Frédéric
    Personally,I am a lit bit shocked and make me meditate the core nature about education .518-c “education is not what the professions of certain men assert it to be.They presumably assert that they put into the soul knowledge that isn’t in it,as though they were putting sight into blind eyes.” education could not be considered just as transfer and accumulate stacked knowledge ,more like an intrinsic characteristic ,function or quality that built inside soul. We just need a certain way(methodology)to wake it up and try to turn it in the right direction facing sun light .(summum bonum).In my opinion,the education system nowadays focus too much upon knowledge ,kidnapped by the burden of separated academic field filled with gigantic amount of knowledge (or data),we need to call back the spirit of Socrates to let the real education appear . By the way, I am always confused by the philosophical terms like being ,existence ,in German ,we have similarly vernünftig and wirklich,sein and Dasein,Existenz ,in French,l'être and existence .so difficult to let the term have a certain stable and creditable meaning.


  • Andy叶
    In the chapter six and part of the chapter seven,socrates took a series of metaphors to clarify the concept of the good:the metaphor of the sun,the metaphor of the parallel world and the metaphor of the people living the cave.The most interesting one is the “sun”,the most difficult one is the “parallel world”,the most actual one is the “cave”.sun deliver the lights ,and our eyes absorb the lights then we can see things clearly.the really also works like this:the good release the truth,knowledge and concrete and these things will help us to acquire and acknowledge the world better and better. The “cave”is more likely to be a sarcasm of some phenomena in nowadays society-we are forced to receive something,but with time going by,we mix the boundary of the truth and vanity,we are used to live with these chains.And even force more people to receive these kind of yoke. And that turns to another question--to “adjust” the soul.


  • Verena刘一朵
    However, there is a question. Are there any differences between truth and knowledge? The answer is yes. Because truth contains good. Plato said"Therefore, say that not only being known is present in the things known as a consequence of the good, but also existence and being are in them besides as a result of it, although the good isn't being but is still beyond being, exceeding it in dignity and power." It means that good is an abstract thing, but it could thought the consequence of good to show it really existence, although it overwhelm existence. So, from that human can know how to vote their monarch, the first thing is to know whether he has knowledge, because knowledge is valuable and it is very difficult to achieve a high level of knowledge, plentiful knowledge. Second, it is very difficult to judge whether he has good. His followers have to give the consequences of good to lobby the residents that this monarch is kindness and illustrious. That is the most significant step for residents and fellows to follow him.


