Peter Wang

Day 4 - Reflection

Peter Wang
What you have learned from today's class. 


  • pinpoint秦琼
    The oneness of sky, earth, divinities and mortol is the core of this class.Heidegger tried to remind us a feeling with poetic language instead of preci


  • EvelynLong
    What does it mean to be in a God-less world? God gives meaning to human values like love, faith, righteousness and makes them good. In a God-less world, we have to attribute meaning to similar values, but what would be a standard?


  • Verena刘一朵
    Today we studied Heidegger’s building dwelling thinking. Heidegger thinks the fourfold contains sky, earth, divinity and mortal. Firstly, what are sky and earth? -sky and earth are abstract things, they are immateriality. Human save earth to let it free into its own essence, we receive sky as sky, to let them be themselves. There is no necessity for human to break the nature law. Secondly, what is divinity? -Divinity is a soul, is a opposite of mortal, a force of nature, a culture heritage, a virtual, and a sense of sacredness. Thirdly, Why Heidegger mention divinity? -there is a spiritual guidance. -through divinity human could see they are actually mortal. Human think they are the king of the world, if there is no god’s existence. So the god is let people to build the basic ethic value like what is good or what is bed.


