



By Gu Hongming

This book has also been translated into “春秋大义”.


Preface Introduction

1. The Spirit of the Chinese People.
2. The Chinese Woman.
3. The Chinese Language.
4. John Smith in China.
5. A Great Sinologue.
6. Chinese Scholarship Part I.
7. Chinese Scholarship Part II.


The Religion of Mob-Worship or The War and the Way out.

In the Preface Introduction,the author put forward Chinese personality and three characteristics of Chinese civilization.They are deep,broad and simple.Besides,delicacy. When discussing this aspect, the author compares Chinese with americans, British, germans and French to highlight the characteristics of Chinese. Americans are broad, simple, but not deep; The English are deep and simple, but not grand; German broad, deep, and not simple; The French have no German natural deep, not as American broad-minded and the British heart simple, but have the three national lack of sensitivity; Only the Chinese people have all these four excellent spiritual qualities.

In the The Spirit of the Chinese People, The author mentioned religion.He said,Chinese people don’t need the religion which is different from European.Because China have Confucius,who was lived the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.In this period, Confucianism was born.But it actually isn’t a region. That's exactly what I'm confused about. So I looked up some information on religion. “Confucian culture guides people to conduct themselves in the world and advocates the most basic ethics. It does not discuss the belief in ghosts and gods, but is harsh on the order of rites and music.(儒家文化引导人们为人处世的大道,宣扬最基本的伦理道德,它不探讨鬼神信仰的问题,却苛刻于礼乐秩序。)”作者:关万维 来源:深圳新闻网 时间:孔子二五六七年岁次丙申十一月廿二日丙子 耶稣20161220But Confucianism does not talk about ghosts and gods.So I get such a conclusion.Confucianism isn’t a religion.Besides, It has played a positive role in the cultural identity of the Chinese nation.

He thinks that shaped the spirit of the Chinese Confucianism, the Confucian rely on (in this paper, we mainly talk about Confucius) such as Confucius generation sages, formulate a set of accord with the Chinese ethical code of conduct - birthright's sense of honor of both nations, put the Chinese in small to family, big to the state of a set of organisms, so as to effectively improve the quality of the Chinese people, and, more importantly, to maintain the unity and stability in China for thousands of years.


