



斯泰尔斯的神秘案件(斯泰尔斯庄园奇案) 1920 PHJ The Mysterious Affair at Styles

暗藏杀机(年轻冒险家、秘密对手) 1922 T The Secret Adversary

高尔夫球场的疑云(高尔夫球场上的谋杀案、高尔夫球场命案、高尔夫球场疑云) 1923 PH Murder on the Links

首相绑架案(波罗探案集)(短篇集) 1924 PHJ Poirot Investigates

褐衣男子(穿棕色套装的人) 1924 R The Man in the Brown Suit

梦幻之路(诗集,贵州版未录) 1924 -- The Road of Dreams

名苑猎凶(烟囱大厦的秘密) 1925 B The Secret of Chimneys

罗杰·艾克罗伊德谋杀案(罗杰疑案、罗杰·亚克洛伊命案、迷雾、谜情记、阿克罗德谋杀案) 1926 P The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

四大魔头(四巨头、四魔头)(贵州版未录) 1927 PHJ The Big Four

蓝色特快上的秘密(蓝色列车、蓝色列车之谜) 1928 P The Mystery of the Blue Train

七面钟之谜(七钟面之谜) 1929 B The Seven Dials Mystery

犯罪团伙(同谋者)(短篇集) 1929 T Partners in Crime

神秘的奎恩先生(短篇集) 1930 Q The Mysterious Mr. Quin

巨人的面包(情感小说,贵州版未录) 1930 -- Giant's Bread

寓所谜案 1930 M The Murder at the Vicarage

斯塔福特疑案(神秘的西塔福特、斯塔福之谜) 1931 -- The Sittaford Mystery / Murder at Hazelmoor

漂浮的上将(与Detection Club成员合写的长篇小说,贵州版未录) 1931 -- The Floating Admiral

悬崖山庄奇案(海滨古宅险情、古屋疑云、悬崖山庄的奇案) 1932 PHJ Peril at End House

死亡草(短篇集) 1932 M The Thirteen Problems / The Tuesday Club Murders

人性记录(埃奇威尔爵士之死、不祥的宴会) 1933 PHJ Lord Edgware Dies / Thirteen at Dinner

死亡之犬(短篇集) 1933 -- The Hound of Death

东方快车谋杀案(东方快车上的谋杀案) 1934 P Murder on the Orient Express / Murder in the Calais Coach

未完成的肖像画(情感小说,贵州版未录) 1934 -- Unfinished Portrait

金色的机遇(短篇集) 1934 -- The Listerdale Mystery

悬崖上的谋杀 1934 -- Why Didn't They Ask Evans? / The Boomerang Clue

惊险的浪漫(短篇集) 1934 YLO Parker Pyne Investigates / Mr. Parker Pyne Detective

黑咖啡(原创剧本,贵州版未录) 1934 PHJ Black Coffee

三幕悲剧 1935 P Three-Act Tragedy / Murder in Three Acts

云中奇案(云中命案) 1935 PJ Death in the Clouds / Death in the Air

ABC谋杀案(ABC系列谋杀案、ABC凶杀案) 1936 PHJ The ABC Murders

古墓之谜(美索布达米亚谋杀案、美索不达米亚寻踪) 1936 P Murder in Mesopotamia

牌中牌(底牌) 1936 POBR Cards on the Table

幽巷谋杀案(中篇集) 1937 PJ Murder in the Mews / Dead Man's Mirror

哑证人(沉默的证人、无言的证人) 1937 PH Dumb Witness / Poirot Loses a Client; Mystery at Littlegreen House; Murder at Littlegreen House

尼罗河上的惨案(尼罗河谋杀案) 1937 PR Death on the Nile

死亡约会 1938 P Appointment with Death

波洛圣诞探案记(圣诞奇案) 1938 P Hercule Poirot's Christmas / Murder for Christmas ; A Holliday for Murder

钻石之谜及其他(短篇集,篇目重复,贵州版未录) 1939 V The Regatta Mystery and Other Stories

杀人不难(谋杀并不难) 1939 B Murder Is Easy / Easy to Kill

无人生还(童谣凶杀案、孤岛奇案、十个小印第安人、孤岛十命) 1939 -- Ten Little Niggers; And Then There Were None / Ten Little Indians; And Then There Were None

H庄园的一次午餐(柏棺) 1940 P Sad Cypress

牙医谋杀案 1940 PJ One, Two, Buckle My Shoe / The Patriotic Murders ; An Overdose of Death

阳光下的罪恶(艳阳下的谋杀案) 1941 P Evil Under the Sun

桑苏西来客(谍海、密码) 1941 T N or M?

藏书室女尸之谜(女侦探玛帕尔小姐、图书馆陈尸) 1942 M The Body in the Library

啤酒谋杀案(五只小猪) 1943 P Five Little Pigs / Murder in Retrospect

平静小镇里的罪恶(魔手、黑手) 1943 M The Moving Finger

走向决定性的时刻(零时) 1944 B Towards Zero

春日离别(春天,我离开了)(情感小说,贵州版未录) 1944 -- Absent in the Spring

死亡终局 1945 -- Death Comes as the End

死的怀念(万灵节之死) 1945 R Sparkling Cyanide / Remembered Death

空幻之屋(空谷幽魂) 1946 P The Hollow / Murder After Hours

情牵叙利亚(回忆录) 1946 -- Come Tell Me How You Live

赫尔克里的丰功伟绩(大侦探十二奇案)(短篇集) 1947 PJ The Labours of Hercules / The Labors of Hercules

遗产风波(涨潮时节、致命遗产) 1948 P Taken at the Flood / There is a Tide

原告的证人及其他(短篇集,篇目重复,贵州版未录) 1948 P Witness for the Prosecution and Other Stories

玫瑰与紫杉(情感小说,贵州版未录) 1948 -- The Rose and the Yew Tree

怪屋(畸形屋) 1949 -- Crooked House

谋杀启事(谋杀通告) 1950 MC A Murder Is Announced

三只瞎老鼠及其他(短篇集,篇目部分重复,贵州版未录) 1950 V Three Blind Mice and Other Stories

他们来到巴格达(巴格达之旅) 1951 -- They Came to Baghdad

弱者的愤怒及其他(短篇集,篇目重复,贵州版未录) 1951 P The Under Dog and Other Stories

清洁女工之死(清洁妇命案、麦克金蒂夫人之死) 1952 PO Mrs. McGinty's Dead

庄园谜案(镜子魔术、借镜杀人) 1952 M They Do It with Mirrors / Murder with Mirrors

母女情深(情感小说,贵州版未录) 1952 -- A Daughter's a Daughter

葬礼之后 1953 P After the Funeral / Funerals Are Fatal

黑麦奇案 1953 M A Pocket Full of Rye

目的地不明(不明目的地、地狱之旅) 1954 -- Destination Unknown / So Many Steps to Death

捕鼠器(原创剧本,贵州版未录) 1954 -- The Mousetrap

原告的证人(原创剧本,贵州版未录) 1954 -- Witness for the Prosecution

外国学生宿舍谋杀案(国际学舍谋杀案) 1955 PL Hickory Dickory Dock / Hickory Dickory Death

古宅迷踪(假戏成真、死人的殿堂) 1956 POL Dead Man's Folly

重担(情感小说,贵州版未录) 1956 -- The Burden

命案目睹记 1957 MC 4.50 from Paddington / What Mrs. McGillicuddy Saw

蛛网(原创剧本,贵州版未录) 1957 -- Spider's Web

奉命谋杀(无妄之灾、无辜) 1958 -- Ordeal by Innocence

判决(原创剧本,贵州版未录) 1958 -- Verdict

不速之客(原创剧本,贵州版未录) 1958 -- The Unexpected Guest

校园疑云(鸽群里的猫、鸽群中的猫、偷宝石的猫) 1959 P Cat Among the Pigeons

雪地上的女尸(中篇集) 1960 V The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding

双重罪恶及其他(短篇集,篇目重复,贵州版未录) 1961 V Double Sin and Other Stories

白马酒店 1961 O The Pale Horse

迟来的报复(破镜谋杀案、破镜、大西洋案件) 1962 MC The Mirror Crack'd from Side to side / The Mirror Crack'd

怪钟疑案(钟、怪钟) 1963 P The Clocks

事不过三(原创剧本,贵州版未录) 1963 -- Rule of Three: Afternoon at the Seaside, The Patient, The Rats

加勒比海之谜(加勒比海岛谋杀案) 1964 M A Caribbean Mystery

伯特伦旅馆之谜(柏翠门旅馆之秘、伯特伦旅馆) 1965 M At Bertram's Hotel

伯利恒之星(宗教儿童读物,贵州版未录) 1965 -- Star Over Bethlehem

公寓女郎(第三个女郎、第三位女郎) 1966 POL Third Girl

长夜(此夜绵绵、无尽长夜) 1967 -- Endless Night

煦阳岭的疑云(拇指一竖、魔指) 1968 T By the Pricking of My Thumbs

万圣节前夜的谋杀案 1969 PO Hallowe'en Party

天涯过客 1970 -- Passenger to Frankfurt

复仇女神(复仇的女神) 1971 M Nemesis

金色的机遇及其他(短篇集,篇目重复,贵州版未录) 1971 -- The Golden Ball and Other Stories

旧罪的阴影(悬崖迷案、大象的证词) 1972 POL Elephants Can Remember

埃赫纳吞(原创剧本,贵州版未录) 1973 -- Akhnaton

命运之门 1973 T Postern of Fate

诗集(贵州版未录) 1973 -- Poems

蒙面女人(艺术舞会奇案——波洛探案精萃)(短篇集) 1974 PHJ Poirot's Early Cases

帷幕(幕、别墅阴云、幕后凶手) 1975 PH Curtain: Poirot's Last Case

神秘的别墅(沉睡的谋杀案、无人知晓的谋杀、死灰复燃) 1976 M Sleeping Murder

阿加莎·克里斯蒂自传 1977 -- An Autobiography: Agatha Christie

捕鼠器及其他剧本(剧本集,贵州版未录) 1978 V The Mousetrap and Other Plays

马普尔小姐探案(短篇集) 1979 M/-- Miss Marple's Final Cases

独家新闻·屏风背后(与Detection Club成员合写的长篇小说合集,贵州版未录) 1983 -- The Scoop and Behind the Screen

神秘的第三者(短篇集) 1991 V Problem at Pollensa Bay

捕鼠器剧本选集(剧本集,贵州版未录) 1993 -- The Mousetrap and Selected Plays

原告的证人剧本选集(剧本集,贵州版未录) 1993 -- Witness for the Prosecution and Selected Plays

五彩茶具及其他(短篇集,篇目部分重复,贵州版未录) 1997 P/Q/-- The Harlequin Tea Set and Other Stories



