• 导读
  • The book was released in late 1919 and became an immediate best-seller on both sides of the Atlantic: it was released in the US in 1920. The scathing sketches of Wilson, Lloyd George and Clemenceau proved to be very popular and the work established Keynes' reputation with the public as a leading economist. In six months, the book had sold 100,000 copies with translations into 12 languages. It restored Keynes' reputation with the Bloomsbury Group which had been tarnished by his work for the Treasury during the war. Keynes returned to Cambridge to work as an economist where he was regarded as the leading student of Alfred Marshall.

  • 内容简介
  • 《和约的经济后果》中,凯恩斯对《凡尔赛和约》给德国及世界所造成的影响进行了杰出的、预言性的分析,对劳合·乔治、乔治·克雷蒙梭、伍德罗·威尔逊作了细致深刻的描绘,因此,这也是那个时代的一本政治经济学巨著,它把人们对经济学的认知和接受程度提高到了一个更新和更高的水平。该书也对《凡尔赛和约》的缺陷进行了分析,并提出了一些补救办法,如修改《凡尔赛和约》的有关条款、解决各国之间的债务、进行国际贷款、改善与俄国的关系等。 写作风格铿锵有力,妙语连珠,人物刻画栩栩如生,其中的尖刻嘲讽透露出凯恩斯在道义上的愤慨。

    First published in 1919, the book achieved great notoriety due of its contemptuous critique of the French premier as well as President Woodrow Wilson. Keynes criticized the Allied victors for signing the Treaty of Versailles in 1920, which would have ruinous consequences for Europe. At the time, few world and economic leaders appreciated his criticisms as Keynes saw his worst fears realized in the rise of Adolf Hitler and the resulting devastation of World War II. This work is generally regarded as perhaps the most influential social science treatise of the 20th Century, as it quickly and permanently changed the scope of economic thought.

  • 作者简介
  • 约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯,(1883年6月5日-1946年4月21日),英国经济学家。反对18世纪亚当·斯密以来尊重市场机制、反对人为干预的经济学思想,凯恩斯主张政府应积极扮演经济舵手的角色,透过财政与货币政策来对抗景气衰退乃至于经济萧条。凯恩斯的思想不仅是书本里的学说,也成为1920年代至1930年代世界性经济萧条时的有效对策,以及构筑起1950年代至1960年代许多资本主义社会繁荣期的政策思维,因而被夸为“资本主义的救星”,“战后繁荣之父”等。一度主宰资本主义的凯恩斯思想也成为经济学诸学派之一,称为“凯恩斯学派”,并衍生数个支系,其影响力持续至今。

    John Maynard Keynes,( 5 June 1883–21 April 1946), was a British economist whose ideas have fundamentally affected the theory and practice of modern macroeconomics and informed the economic policies of governments. He built on and greatly refined earlier work on the causes of business cycles, and he is widely considered to be one of the founders of modern macroeconomics and the most influential economist of the 20th century. His ideas are the basis for the school of thought known as Keynesian economics and its various offshoots.

  • 目录
    • Chapter 1 Introductory
    • Chapter 2 Europe Before the War
    • Chapter 3 The Conference
    • Chapter 4 The Treaty
    • Chapter 5 Reparations I. Undertakings Given Pride to the Peace Negotiations
    • Chapter 6 Europe After the Treaty
    • Chapter 7 Remedies