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  • 世界上最流行的经济学教材

    Marshall's influence on modifying economic thought is difficult to deny. He popularized the use of supply and demand functions as tools of price determination (previously discovered independently by Cournot); modern economists owe the linkage between price shifts and curve shifts to Marshall. Marshall was an important part of the "marginalist revolution;" the idea that consumers attempt to adjust consumption until marginal utility equals the price was another of his contributions. The price elasticity of demand was presented by Marshall as an extension of these ideas. Economic welfare, divided into producer surplus and consumer surplus, was contributed by Marshall, and indeed, the two are sometimes described eponymously as 'Marshallian surplus.' He used this idea of surplus to rigorously analyze the effect of taxes and price shifts on market welfare. Marshall also identified quasi-rents.

  • 内容简介
  • 《经济学原理》是英国经济学著作,剑桥学派(新古典学派)创始人马歇尔的代表作。1890年首次出版,被誉为与斯密《国富论》、李嘉图《赋税原理》齐名的划时代的著作。20世纪30年代以前,支配着英美经济学论坛现代西方经济学的奠基之作。

    Principles of Economicsis a leading political economy or economics textbook of Alfred Marshall (1842–1924), first published in 1890. It ran into many editions and was the standard text for generations of economics students.

  • 作者简介
  • 阿尔弗雷德·马歇尔(Alfred Marshall,1842—1924)近代英国最著名的经济学家,新古典学派的创始人,剑桥大学经济学教授19世纪末和20世纪初英国经济学界最重要的人物。在马歇尔的努力下,经济学从仅仅是人文科学和历史学科的一门必修课发展成为一门独立的学科,具有与物理学相似的科学性。剑桥大学在他的影响下建立了世界上第一个经济学系。

    Alfred Marshall (26 July 1842–13 July 1924) was one of the most influential economists of his time. His book, Principles of Economics (1890), was the dominant economic textbook in England for many years. It brings the ideas of supply and demand, marginal utility, and costs of production into a coherent whole. He is known as one of the founders of economics.

  • 目录
    • Book 1
    • Book 2
    • Book 3
    • Book 4