• 导读
  • 对亚当·斯密的《国富论》既有继承也有发展的经济学权威著作!

    In treating on the subject of the profits of capital, it is necessary to consider the principles which regulate the rise and fall of rent; as rent and profits, it will be seen, have a very intimate connexion with each other.

  • 内容简介
  • 对于调控租金的准则,李嘉图做了简要说明。对于这些准则以及调控股本利润的准则,李嘉图认为政府不应用法律政策来限制玉米的进口。他在利润和财富问题方面和马尔萨斯所持的观点是一样的;但是在食物供应严重依赖国外所带来的巨大风险这个问题上,他认为从整体上限制进口是明智之举。


    The principles which regulate rent are briefly stated in the following pages, and differ in a very slight degree from those which have been so fully and so ably developed by Mr Malthus in his late excellent publication. The consideration of those principles, together with those which regulate the profit of stock, have convinced Ricardo of the policy of leaving the importation of corn unrestricted by law. From the general principle set forth in al Mr Malthus's publications, Ricardo holds the same opinion as far as profit and wealth are concerned with the question; — but, viewing, as Malthus does, the danger as formidable of depending on foreign supply for a large portion of the food, Malthus considers it wise, on the whole, to restrict importation. Not participating with Malthus in those fears, and perhaps estimating the advantages of a cheap price of corn at a higher value, Ricardo has come to a different conclusion.

  • 作者简介
  • 大卫·李嘉图(1772—1823),英国资产阶级古典政治经济学的主要代表之一,也是英国资产阶级古典政治经济学的完成者。李嘉图早期是交易所的证券经纪人,后受《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》一书的影响,激发了他对经济学研究的兴趣,其研究的领域主要包括货币和价格,对税收问题也有一定的研究。李嘉图的主要经济学代表作是1817年完成的《政治经济学及赋税原理》,书中阐述了他的税收理论。1819年他曾被选为下院议员,极力主张议会改革,鼓吹自由贸易。李嘉图继承并发展了斯密的自由主义经济理论。他认为限制国家的活动范围、减轻税收负担是增长经济的最好办法。

    David Ricardo, (born April 18/19, 1772, London, England—died September 11, 1823, Gatcombe Park, Gloucestershire), English economist who gave systematized, classical form to the rising science of economics in the 19th century. His laissez-faire doctrines were typified in his Iron Law of Wages, which stated that all attempts to improve the real income of workers were futile and that wages perforce remained near the subsistence level.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 李嘉图以边沁的功利主义为出发点,建立起了以劳动价值论为基础,以分配论为中心的理论体系。他继承了斯密理论中的科学因素,坚持商品价值由生产中所耗费的劳动决定的原理,并批评了斯密价值论中的错误。他提出决定价值的劳动是社会必要劳动,决定商品价值的不仅有活劳动,还有投在生产资料中的劳动。   

  • 目录
    • 简介
    • 影响等
    • ON THE INFLUENCE, etc.