• 内容简介
  • 《了不起的盖茨比》是美国最为知名的小说之一,可它对盖茨比本人的描写却十分怪异,让人费解,以致于这部小说也是很少有人能够完全读懂的书之一。




    The Great Gatsby is one of the best-known American novels, but weirdly, and strangely reflective of Gatsby himself, one of the least understood.

    In the course of the novel, we find out what Gatsby is hiding: not only his criminal bootlegging, but also his family name, Gatz, and his poor, ethnic-American roots, which in the end exclude him from the upper-class Anglo-American social circles he hoped to enter. We understand his frustrated American dream, and we understand too why he felt the need to fabricate for himself the pedigree of a patrician family with the Anglo-sounding surname Gatsby.

    Of course, what got Gatsby in the front door of her house during the war was his officer status. The novel makes clear how the war gave Gatsby a new social status when it made him an officer. He crossed the “indiscernible barbed wire” between classes when he put on the “invisible cloak of his uniform.”

    What the novel doesn't answer is how Gatsby, a poor farm boy from North Dakota and apparently a German-American to boot, got to be an officer in the US Army when Germany was the enemy. The novel definitely “guards secrets” on this point. The novel's narrator Nick Carraway naturally comes to doubt Gatsby's account of a military commission that was supposed to have been issued out of a made-up upper-class background.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 简而言之,美国为一战而进行的特别军事动员使得盖茨比等无名小卒们被选中参加军官训练,有些人甚至在训练营时就被提升为上尉。我们对美国军队鲜为人知的历史不熟悉,而主人翁扑朔迷离的身世又恰恰是小说触动我们的地方之一。


  • 目录
    • 盖茨比背后的秘密
    • The real secret behind Gatsby