• 导读
  • 动物王国的雄性和雌性是如何互动以繁衍后代的呢?看看亚里士多德有趣的描述。

  • 内容简介
  • 亚里士多德在本书中思考了在动物王国中男性和女性的角色。他阐述了二者是如何互动以繁衍后代的。同时他还解释了与动物的生命相关的各种事实。本书非常有趣,亚里士多德解释了大自然的造物主,以及两性的起源,非常引人深思!

    Aristotle ponders on the roles of males and females in the animal kingdom. He elucidates on how the two function in order to multiply their young ones. He also explains different facts related to the lives of animals. This is an interesting work where Aristotle explains the first cause regarding the nature and origin of both the sexes. Thought-provoking!

  • 作者简介
  • 亚里士多德(公元前384-公元前322),古希腊哲学家、科学家、教育家,柏拉图的学生、亚历山大大帝的老师。和柏拉图、苏格拉底(柏拉图的老师)一起被誉为西方哲学的奠基者。他的著作包含许多学科,是西方哲学的第一个广泛系统,包含道德、美学、逻辑和科学、政治和玄学。虽然亚里士多德写下许多经典的论文和对话录(西塞罗曾称赞亚里士多德的作品是“一系列的黄金”),大多数他的著作在今天都已经遗失,而少数保留下来的著作的真实性也经常受到质疑。亚里士多德的作品在历史上曾遭遗失而又重新寻获数次,一般认为目前保留下来的作品数量只有全部原始作品的五分之一的而已。

    Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist born in Stagirus, northern Greece, in 384 BCE. His father, Nicomachus, died when Aristotle was a child, whereafter Proxenus of Atarneus became his guardian. At eighteen, he joined Plato's Academy in Athens and remained there until the age of thirty-seven (c. 347 BCE). His writings cover many subjects – including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theater, music, rhetoric, linguistics, politics and government – and constitute the first comprehensive system of Western philosophy. Shortly after Plato died, Aristotle left Athens and, at the request of Philip of Macedon, tutored Alexander the Great between 356 and 323 BCE. According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, "Aristotle was the first genuine scientist in history. ... Every scientist is in his debt."

  • 目录
    • Book I
    • Book II
    • Book III
    • Book IV
    • Book V