• 导读
  • Forth from the royal halls by high command

    I bear libations for the dead.

    Rings on my smitten breast my smiting hand,

    And all my cheek is rent and red,

    Fresh—furrowed by my nails, and all my soul

    This many a day doth feed on cries of dole.

    And trailing tatters of my vest,

    In looped and windowed raggedness forlorn,

    Hang rent around my breast,

    Even as I, by blows of Fate most stern

  • 内容简介
  • 《奠酒人》讲述阿伽门农的儿子俄瑞斯忒斯长大后杀死自己的母亲,为父报仇,受到复仇女神的迫害。该剧是《俄瑞斯忒斯》三部曲之二。

    The Choephori, also called The Libation Bearers: the second play of the Oresteia. It deals with the reunion of Agamemnon's children, Electra and Orestes, and their revenge. Orestes kills Clytemnestra to avenge the death of Agamemnon, Orestes' father.

  • 作者简介
  • 埃斯库罗斯(前525年-前456年):古希腊悲剧诗人,与索福克勒斯和欧里庇得斯一起被称为是古希腊最伟大的悲剧作家,有“悲剧之父”的美誉。他是第一个在希腊话剧中引入第二个演员的剧作家,通过对话的形式他革命了希腊话剧。据说埃斯库罗斯一共留下了90部剧作,其中79部的名称流传下来了。其中最著名的20部都遗失了。他的悲剧有七部完整地流传到今天,另外三部部分保留下来了。他早年的作品叙述相当简单,他晚年的悲剧的戏剧性非常浓厚

    Asechylus(525/524 BC–456/455 BC): the first of classical Athens' great dramatists, who raised the emerging art of tragedy to great heights of poetry and theatrical power. Aeschylus wrote approximately 90 plays, including satyr plays as well as tragedies; of these, only seven survived. According to the philosopher Flavius Philostratus, Aeschylus was known as the “Father of Tragedy.”Aeschylus' influence on the development of tragedy was fundamental. Previous to him, Greek drama was limited to one actor and a chorus engaged in a largely static recitation. By adding a second actor with whom the first could converse, Aeschylus vastly increased the drama's possibilities for dialogue and dramatic tension and allowed more variety and freedom in plot construction.

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