• 导读
  • The twenty-six essays collected in Notes on Life and Letters (first published 1921) offer a kaleidoscopic view of Joseph Conrad’s literary views and interest in the events of his day, including the Titanic disaster and First World War.

  • 内容简介
  • 《人生与文学随笔》出版于1921年,书中展现了作者康拉德对文学以及在他生活的那个年代的各种事情的种种观点和态度,如泰坦尼克号的沉没,一战,海上殖民等。该书是对作者生活年代以及作者本人的观点态度的洞察和探究。

    Joseph Conrad’s Notes on Life and Letters was first published in 1921. It is a thin array (for such a stretch of time) of really innocent attitudes: Conrad literary, Conrad political, Conrad reminiscent, Conrad controversial, including the political treatise Notes on the Polish Problem, the work presents different angles of thought to the public. From his life on the sea to all the different experiences with colonialism, the work covers a variety of subjects.

  • 作者简介
  • 约瑟夫·康拉德(1857年12月-1924年8月),英国著名作家,因其最擅长写海洋冒险小说,有“海洋小说大师”之称。1889年开始业余小说创作。他一共写了13部长篇小说、28篇短篇小说和两篇回忆录, 其中比较著名的有长篇小说《水仙号上的黑家伙》(1897年)、《吉姆老爷、(1900年)、《诺斯特罗莫》(1904年)、《间谍》(1907年)、《机缘》(1914年)、《胜利》(1914年),中篇小说《黑暗的心》(后来被改编成电影《现代启示录》)(1902年),以及短篇小说《青春》(1910年)等。

    Joseph Conrad(3 December 1857 – 3 August 1932) was a Polish author who wrote in English after settling in England.He wrote stories and novels, often with a nautical setting, that depict trials of the human spirit in the midst of an indifferent universe. He was a master prose stylist who brought a distinctly non-English sensibility into English literature.

  • 目录