    Lectures on the Industrial Revolution in England

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  • 想知道是谁把“工业革命”这个词流行并普及的吗?进来看看吧!

    Originally written for undergraduates, this posthumously published collection of lectures from 1884 tackles many of the misconceptions held by nineteenth-century economists. Where other commentators often dealt with the subject of the Industrial Revolution in the abstract, Arnold Toynbee applies here an evidence-based approach, with astute but also entertaining results.

  • 内容简介
  • 《英国工业革命讲稿》主要阐述18世纪末19世纪初的英国工业革命和农业革命,全书共十四章,客观地分析这一时期人口、农业、工业和贸易的变化,以及由此带来的自耕农和雇佣工人状况的变化。此书出版后深受读者喜欢,在全球范围内有一定的影响力,给后人以很大的启示。

    Originally written for undergraduates, this posthumously published collection of lectures from 1884 tackles many of the misconceptions held by nineteenth-century economists. Where other commentators often dealt with the subject of the Industrial Revolution in the abstract, Arnold Toynbee applies here an evidence-based approach, with astute but also entertaining results.

  • 作者简介
  • 阿诺尔德·汤因比(Arnold Toynbee,1852年8月28日-1883年3月9日)是英国19世纪的著名经济史学家,也是著名历史学家阿诺尔德·约瑟·汤因比的叔父。他是第一位将英国在18世纪因为工业技术改革以致生产力大幅度提升的时期命名为“工业革命”的人。老汤因比在伦敦出生,曾任教牛津大学贝利奥尔学院。他爱研究社会改革,并与成年学生一同研究。现时伦敦一所大学宿舍“汤因比楼”就以他的名字命名。

    Arnold Toynbee (1852-1883) was an English economic historian also noted for his social commitment and desire to improve the living conditions of the working classes. In 1873, he began to study political economy at Oxford University, first at Pembroke College and from 1875 at Balliol College, where he went on to teach after his graduation in 1878. His lectures on the history of the Industrial Revolution in 18th and 19th century Britain proved widely influential. He popularised the term "Industrial Revolution" in the Anglophone world. He was actively involved in improving the living conditions of the proletariat. He read for workers in large industrial centres and encouraged the creation of trade unions and co-operatives. Toynbee also encouraged his students to offer free courses for working class audiences in their own neighbourhoods.

  • 目录
    • CHAPTER I Introductory
    • CHAPTER II England in 1760
    • CHAPTER III England in 1760
    • CHAPTER IV England in 1760
    • CHAPTER V England in 1760
    • CHAPTER VI England in 1760
    • CHAPTER VII The Mercantile System and Adam Smith
    • CHAPTER VIII The Chief Features of the Revolution
    • CHAPTER IX The Growth of Pauperism
    • CHAPTER X Malthus and the Law of Population
    • CHAPTER XI The Wage-Fund Theory
    • CHAPTER XII Ricardo and the Growth of Rent
    • CHAPTER XIII Two Theories of Economic Progress
    • CHAPTER XIV The Future of the Working Classes