    Lectures on the Industrial Revolution in England

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  • 尽管学术界对汤氏的史观与治史方法有许多訾议,但汤氏能面对人类悠长浩繁的历史详加综合分析,这分魄力却非一般学者堪与伦比。汤氏曾分别於一九二九年兴一九六七年二度来华访问,对中国文化有极高的评价。一九七五年十月二十二日病逝,享年八十六。美国新闻周刊评论说:他已成为一位世界通哲,而与爱因斯坦、史怀哲与罗素并列。

  • 内容简介
  • 此书其实是英国经济学家的一部演讲集,作者在1873年开始在牛津大学研究政治经济学。他的关于十八世纪和十九世纪的工业革命的历史的演讲证明是非常有分量的。也正是作者使得“工业革命”这个在英语国家的世界里得到广泛的推广。作者积极推动提高下层阶级的生活状况。作者在工业中心为工人读书,鼓励贸易协会的创新举措,作业同样也鼓励自己的学生为工人阶级提供免费的课程。

    Arnold Toynbee (1852-1883) was an English economic historian also noted for his social commitment and desire to improve the living conditions of the working classes. In 1873, he began to study political economy at Oxford University, first at Pembroke College and from 1875 at Balliol College, where he went on to teach after his graduation in 1878. His lectures on the history of the Industrial Revolution in 18th and 19th century Britain proved widely influential. He popularised the term "Industrial Revolution" in the Anglophone world. He was actively involved in improving the living conditions of the proletariat. He read for workers in large industrial centres and encouraged the creation of trade unions and co-operatives. Toynbee also encouraged his students to offer free courses for working class audiences in their own neighbourhoods.

  • 作者简介
  • 汤恩比(ArnoldJosephToynbee,西元一八八九~一九七五年),为英国史学家,一八八九年四月十四日生於伦敦一个典型的文化家庭。其父哈里‧汤恩比(HarryToynbee)是一位医生,也是一位热心的社会工作者;其母莎拉‧马歇尔(SarahMarshall)是英国早期获得大学学位的女性之一。

    Arnold Toynbee (23 August 1852-9 March 1883) was a British economic historian also noted for his social commitment and desire to improve the living conditions of the working classes. Toynbee was born in London, the son of the physician Joseph Toynbee, a pioneering otolaryngologist.

  • 目录
    • I. Introductory
    • II. England in 1760 Population
    • III England in 1760 Agriculture
    • IV England in 1760 Manufactures and Trade
    • V. England in 1760 The Decay of the Yeomanry
    • VI. England in 1760 The Condition of the Wage-Earners
    • VII. The Mercantile System and Adam Smith
    • VIII. The Chief Features of the Revolution
    • IX. The Growth of Pauperism
    • X. Malthus and the Law of Population
    • XI. The Wage-Fund Theory
    • XII. Ricardo and the Growth of Rent
    • XIII. Two Theories of Economic Progress
    • XIV. The Future of the Working Classes