• 导读
  • Roderick Hudson, egotistical, beautiful and an exceptionally gifted sculptor, but poor, is taken from New England to Rome by Rowland Mallet, a rich man of fine appreciative sensibilities, who intends to give Roderick the scope to develop his genius. Together they seem like twins or lovers, opposing halves of what should have been an ideal whole.

  • 内容简介
  • 《罗德里克·赫德森》是亨利·詹姆斯的第一部长篇小说,发表于1875年。故事主人公罗德里克·赫德森是一位艺术造诣颇高的雕塑家,机缘巧合之下,一位富人因赏识他的作品而推荐他去罗马发展。小说由此展开一行人在罗马的见闻和经历。

    Roderick Hudson is a novel by Henry James. When wealthy Rowland Mallet first sees a sculpture by Roderick Hudson, he is astounded and pronounces it to be a work of genius, and is equally entranced by the sculptor's beauty, spirit and charisma. Wishing to give the impoverished artist the opportunity to develop his talent, he takes Roderick from America to Rome, where he becomes the talk of the city. But Roderick soon loses his inspiration and Rowland loses control of his protege, while both fall in love with women they cannot ever have. Finally, Roderick dies in a storm while on his way to Interlaken; Mrs Hudson and Miss Garland return to Massachusetts.

  • 作者简介
  • 亨利·詹姆斯(1843年4月15日—1916年2月28日),19世纪美国继霍桑、麦尔维尔之后最伟大的小说家,也是美国乃至世界文学史上的大文豪。詹姆斯的主要作品是小说,此外也写了许多文学评论、游记、传记和剧本。他的小说常写美国人和欧洲人之间交往的问题;成人的罪恶如何影响并摧残了纯洁、聪慧的儿童;物质与精神之间的矛盾;艺术家的孤独,作家和艺术家的生活等。代表作有长篇小说:《美国人》、《一位贵妇的画像》、《鸽翼》、《使节》和《金碗》等。他的创作对20世纪崛起的现代派及后现代派文学有着非常巨大的影响,他被公认为20世纪小说意识流写作技巧的先驱。他对人的行为认识有独到之处,也被认为是心理分析小说的开创者之一。

    Henry James, OM (15 April 1843-28 February 1916) was an American-British writer. He is regarded as one of the key figures of 19th-century literary realism. James contributed significantly to literary criticism, particularly in his insistence that writers be allowed the greatest possible freedom in presenting their view of the world. His imaginative use of point of view, interior monologue and possibly unreliable narrators in his own novels and tales brought a new depth and interest to narrative fiction. His theatrical work is thought to have profoundly influenced his later novels and tales.

  • 目录
    • CHAPTER I. Rowland
    • CHAPTER II. Roderick
    • CHAPTER III. Rome
    • CHAPTER IV. Experience
    • CHAPTER V. Christina
    • CHAPTER VI. Frascati
    • CHAPTER VII. Saint Cecilia's
    • CHAPTER VIII. Provocation
    • CHAPTER IX. Mary Garland
    • CHAPTER X. The Cavaliere
    • CHAPTER XI. Mrs. Hudson
    • CHAPTER XII. The Princess Casamassima
    • CHAPTER XIII. Switzerland