• 导读
  • 小说揭示了脆弱的女性友谊。飞利浦先生正是看清了女性之间相互嫉妒的事实,利用费尔太太的嫉妒心理送走了史密斯小姐。小说体现了曼斯菲尔德脆弱孤独的内心和对现实生活无声的反抗。

  • 内容简介
  • 《一杯茶》描述的是一个情节简单的故事,女主人公罗斯玛丽•费尔是一位富家太太,虽称不上特别漂亮,但衣着讲究、时尚。她看的书都是最新出版的,交往的人也是些有头有脸的。有一天,她在街上遇到一贫困的年轻女子,向她讨要一杯茶。罗斯玛丽突发奇想,把那年轻女子带回了家。就在这时,她的丈夫从外面回来了。飞利浦不同意将这个女子留下,但是费尔太太执意要将这个女子留下,飞利浦先生于是改变了策略,他故意当着费尔太太的面说这个女子漂亮,来引起费尔太太的嫉妒,费尔太太这下决定将这个女孩送走。

    Rosemary Fell, a young, wealthy woman, goes shopping at a florist's and in an antique shop. Before going to the car, Rosemary is approached by Miss Smith, a poor girl who asks for enough money to buy tea. Instead, Rosemary drives the girl to her plush house. At the Fells' home, Miss Smith eats her fill. She then begins to tell Rosemary of her life when the husband, Philip, comes in. Although initially surprised, Philip recovers and asks to speak to Rosemary alone. In the library, Philip conveys his disapproval. When Rosemary resists dismissing Miss Smith, Philip tries another, more successful, tactic. He plays to Rosemary's jealousy by telling her how pretty Miss Smith is. Rosemary retrieves three pound notes, and, presumably, sends the girl away. This dismissal is a far cry from Rosemary's first vow to "Be frightfully nice to her" and to "Look after her."

  • 作者简介
  • 凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Manthfield,1888—1923),出生于新西兰,短篇小说作家,新西兰文学的奠基人,被誉为104多年来新西兰最有影响的作家之一。著名作品有《花园酒会》、《幸福》和《在海湾》等。她的全部创作都指向女性的生存处境,她以独特的形式,对女性解放这个重大的社会问题提供了文学的解救之道。

    Katherine Mansfield (14 October 1888—9 January 1923) was a prominent modernist writer of short fiction who was born and brought up in colonial New Zealand. Her stories often focus on moments of disruption and frequently open rather abruptly. Among her most well-known stories are The Garden Party, Bliss and The Fly. All her works have depicted the existing state of women. She has paved the way for the solution of the social problem of female emancipation in a uniquely literary manner.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 作者善于细节描写和刻画,对人物心理的分析淋漓尽致,她的作品深刻揭示了社会问题和人性本质。语言生动活泼,分析犀利深刻,使严肃的社会问题通过心理分析展现出来,既成功地揭示了主题又让人尽享艺术之美。

  • 媒体书评
  • 评论家Edward Wagenknecht认为“凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德把短篇小说艺术推到了这一艺术形式目前达到的最高的完美境界。


    Virginia Woolf once described Katherine Mansfield as "of the cat kind, alien, composed, always solitary and observant."

  • 目录
    • 一杯茶
    • A Cup of Tea