• 导读
  • With its intense mix of mystery, adventure, and a surprise ending, Benito Cereno at first seems merely a provocative example from the genre Herman Melville created with his early best-selling novels of the sea. However, most Melville scholars consider it his most sophisticated work, and many, such as novelist Ralph Ellison, have hailed it as the most piercing look at slavery in all of American literature.

  • 内容简介
  • 《班尼托·西兰诺》出版于1855年。作品的主人公是德兰诺船长,作者主要描述了德拉诺船长的回忆。德拉诺叙述了1805年,他的船只遇上了一艘西班牙船只,这艘船上的黑奴打倒了西班牙水手。小说中对故事的叙述都基于真实事件。

    Benito Cereno is a novella by Herman Melville. It was first serialized in Putnam's Monthly in 1855 and later included a slightly revised version in his collection The Piazza Tales (1856). In developing the novella, Melville drew almost exclusively on the memoir of the real Captain Amasa Delano, whom Melville depicts as the main protagonist and focal character. Delano recounts how in 1805, his vessel Perseverance encountered the Spanish Tryal (not to be confused with the 17th-century British Tryall), a ship whose slaves had overthrown the Spanish sailors. The narrative of events in the novel closely follows the actual event.

  • 作者简介
  • 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(1819-1891),19世纪美国最伟大的小说家、散文家和诗人之一,与纳撒尼尔·霍桑齐名,梅尔维尔生前没有引起应有的重视,在20世纪二十年代声名鹊起,被普遍认为是美国文学的巅峰人物之一。 英国作家毛姆认为他的《白鲸》是世界十大文学名著之一,其文学史地位更在马克·吐温等人之上。梅尔维尔也被誉为美国的“莎士比亚”。

    Herman Melville(August 1, 1819 – September 28, 1891) was an American novelist, writer of short stories, and poet from the American Renaissance period. The bulk of his writings was published between 1846 and 1857. Best known for his sea adventure Typee (1846) and his whaling novel Moby-Dick (1851), he was almost forgotten during the last thirty years of his life.

  • 目录
    • Benito Cereno