    The Three Golden Apples

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  • 译   者:

    西南大学 杨涓

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  • ¥2.90

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  • 赫拉克拉斯故事新编。

  • 内容简介
  • 《三个金苹果》取材于希腊神话人物赫拉克拉斯的故事,霍桑对故事进行了改写。传说赫斯珀里得斯花园里神奇的树上长着金苹果,然而苹果树下却危险重重,无法靠近。爱猎奇冒险的年轻人赫拉克拉斯过惯了平淡的生活,他不安于平凡的生活于是出发去寻找金苹果,他历经艰险,克服诱惑,最终用计战胜了战胜顶天巨人阿特拉斯,成功取回了金苹果。

    The Three Golden Apples by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a story about Hercules who searched for the golden apples that grew in the garden of the Hesperides.

  • 作者简介
  • 纳撒尼尔•霍桑(1804年7月4日—1864年5月19日)。19世纪前半期美国最伟大的小说家。 美国心理分析小说的第一人,因深受家庭和清教徒思想的影响在其作品中更多地反映人心深处的恶。其代表作品有:短篇小说集《古宅青苔》、《重讲一遍的故事》等,长篇小说《红字》、《带七个尖顶的阁楼》、《福谷传奇》、《玉石人像》等。这些都是世界文学史上不可多得的经典名著。其代表作品《红字》已成为世界文学的经典之一。

    For, all of a sudden, the Old One seemed to disappear out of his grasp, and he found himself holding a stag by the fore and hind leg!But still he kept fast hold.Then the stag disappeared, and in its stead there was a sea-bird, fluttering and screaming, while Hercules clutched it by the wing and claw!But the bird could not get away.Immediately afterwards, there was an ugly three-headed dog, which growled and barked at Hercules, and snapped fiercely at the hands by which he held him!But Hercules would not let him go.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 霍桑是心理小说的开创者,擅长剖析人的“内心”。他着重探讨道德和罪恶的问题,主张通过善行和自忏来洗刷罪恶、净化心灵,从而得到拯救。然而霍桑并非全写黑暗,他在揭露社会罪恶和人的劣根性的同时,对许多善良的主人公寄予极大的同情。

  • 媒体书评
  • 霍桑描写黑暗的巨大力量,是由于受到加尔文派教义关于与生俱来的堕落与原罪思想的影响。没有一位思想深邃的人能完全摆脱这种思想所发生的各种形式的影响。——梅尔维尔


    Nathaniel Hawthorne's reputation as a writer is a very pleasing fact, because his writing is not good for anything, and this is a tribute to the man.—Ralph Waldo Emerson

    The fine thing in Hawthorne is that he cared for the deeper psychology, and that, in his way, he tried to become familiar with it.—Henry James

    The style of Hawthorne is purity itself. His tone is singularly effective—wild, plaintive, thoughtful, and in full accordance with his themes... We look upon him as one of the few men of indisputable genius to whom our country has as yet given birth.—Edgar Allan Poe

  • 目录
    • 坦格尔伍德壁炉边——《三个金苹果》之序言
    • 三个金苹果
    • 坦格尔伍德壁炉边——讲完故事以后
    • Tanglewood Fireside—Introductory to The Three Golden Apples
    • The Three Golden Apples
    • Tanglewood Fireside.—After the Story