• 导读
  • 在《罗宾汉奇遇记》中,十二世纪英国狮心王李察统治期间,罗宾汉受到迫害,落草为寇,专门劫富济贫,成为广受尊崇的侠盗。小约翰为首的一群绿林好汉亦被他收服。另一方面,邪恶的王子对罗宾汉步步进逼,为了美女马丽安的安危,两人展开斗争。

  • 内容简介
  • 《罗宾汉奇遇记》主要描写了十三世纪的英格兰,王位争夺、权贵倾轧,百姓行省苦不堪言。年轻气盛的罗宾汉与人打赌而误杀了国王的鹿,并因为自卫而射死了一个人后,成为通辑要犯。他逃到了雪伍德森林,再也没有回家,暂时成功地躲过了诺丁汉郡郡长的追缉。罗宾汉与其他绿林大盗群居在森林里,这些人有些是为了拾取食物给家人而成为缉盗有些曾是安分守已的农人。但是土地被豪强给夺走了,不得已只好沦落为寇。罗宾汉善良而公正,被拥为领袖,由他带领着大家,和欺压百姓的权贵展开一连串的对抗……

    The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood of Great Renown in Nottinghamshire is an 1883 novel by the American illustrator and writer Howard Pyle. Consisting of a series of episodes in the story of the English outlaw Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men, the novel compiles traditional material into a coherent narrative in a colorful, invented "old English" idiom that preserves some flavor of the ballads, and adapts it for children. The novel is notable for taking the subject of Robin Hood, which had been increasingly popular through the 19th century, in a new direction that influenced later writers, artists, and filmmakers through the next century.

  • 作者简介
  • 霍华德·派尔(1853年3月5日----1911年11月10日)美国著名插画家、作家,是难得一见的在文字写作和绘画方面皆造诣不凡的大师级人物。霍华德·派尔少年时代就表现出超人的绘画才能,为一些杂志定期绘制插图,此外他写作方面也很有天赋,加之之前接触到许多民间故事和传说,也就促成后来他创作了一系列骑士和英雄人物的历险记,主要作品有《罗宾汉奇遇记》、《银手奥托》、《海盗传说》(亦可译为《海盗集》)、《骑士麦尔斯》(亦可译为《铁人》)等,大多取材于中世纪的神话或殖民地时期历史,再现了那个时代的社会风貌。霍华德·派尔的作品在英文领域一直有着良好的口碑,被列为世界名著,他的《海盗传说》、《骑士麦尔斯》等被列入欧美青少年必读书目。

    Howard Pyle (March 5, 1853—November 9, 1911) was an American illustrator and author, primarily of books for young people. A native of Wilmington, Delaware, he spent the last year of his life in Florence, Italy. In 1894 he began teaching illustration at the Drexel Institute of Art, Science and Industry. After 1901, he founded his own school of art and illustration, named the Howard Pyle School of Illustration Art. The scholar Henry C. Pitz later used the term Brandywine School for the illustration artists and Wyeth family artists of the Brandywine region, several of whom had studied with Pyle. Pyle's home and studio in Wilmington, where he taught his students, is still standing and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

  • 目录
    • I How Robin Hood Cane to Be an Outlaw
    • II Robin Hood and the Tinker
    • III The Shooting Match at Nottingham Town
    • IV Will Stutely Rescued by His Companions
    • V Robin Hood Turns Butcher
    • VI Little John Goes to Nottingham Fair
    • VII How Little John Lived at the Sheriff's
    • VIII Little John and the Tanner of Blyth
    • IX Robin Hood and Will Scarlet
    • X The Adventure with Midge the Miller's Son
    • Xl Robin Hood and Allan a Dale
    • XII Robin Hood Seeks the Curtal Friar
    • XIII Robin Hood Compasses a Marriage
    • XIV Robin Hood Aids a Sorrowful Knight
    • XV How Sir Richard of the Lea Paid His Debts
    • XVI Little John Turns Barefoot Friar
    • XVII Robin Hood Turns Beggar
    • XVIII Robin Hood Shoots Before Queen Eleanor
    • XIX The Chase of Robin Hood
    • XX Robin Hood and Guy of Gisbourne
    • XXI King Richard Comes to Sherwood Forest