• 导读
  • 这是一部敢于揭露奴隶主的暴行和黑奴悲惨的命运勇士斗争曲,肉体犹可折,精神永不屈。

  • 内容简介
  • 此书还有一个副标题即1965年印度战争事件。

    Its subtitle is An incident of the Indian War of 1695.

  • 作者简介
  • 约翰·格林里夫·惠蒂埃,诗人,生于马萨诸塞州黑弗里尔镇。自幼务农,曾在一专科学校肄业一年,但读书甚多,深受英国文学尤其是苏格兰诗人彭斯的影响。1831年出版的诗文集《新英格兰的传说》,描写新英格兰农村淳朴的生活和历史传说,便表现了这种影响。1849年出版散文作品《玛格利特·史密斯日记片段》,以清新的笔法描绘了早期新英格兰的生活及人们的心理状态。

    John Greenleaf Whittier (December 17, 1807 – September 7, 1892) was an American Quaker poet and advocate of the abolition of slavery in the United States. Frequently listed as one of the Fireside Poets, Whittier was influenced by the Scottish poet Robert Burns.

    Whittier is remembered particularly for his anti-slavery writings as well as his book Snow-Bound. Words from his poem "The Brewing of Soma" have been turned into the hymn Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, frequently sung to the tune "Repton" by Hubert Parry.

  • 目录
    • The Boy Captives