• 导读
  • 本篇论述可知之物,阐述现象世界的进化论观点,最后得出结论:我们所能获得的最深层次的真理是我们对物质、运动和力的关系的体验的最深远的异质性的简单陈述,物质、运动和力只不过是"不可知的实在”的符号。本质永远是不可理解的力,无法想象其时间界限或者空间界限的力对我们产生某些结果。

    Talking about knowable things in this chapter, the auther expounds the evolutionary points of view of in this phenomenal world. He finally draws the conclusion: the deepest truth available is the profound, heterogeneo and simple statements that we get by experiencing for the relation between materials, movement and force. Those are merely symbols of "the unknown reality". The essence is always an uncomprehending force, and we can never imagine what consequences its force within time limits or space boundaries will bring to us.

  • 内容简介
  • 第一原理(二)中,斯宾塞从本体与现象分裂的整体性哲学原理出发,认为社会现象包括物质、运动、空间、时间等,这些概念是相对的。例如物质既可以无限可分,也可以由不可分的粒子构成。这种矛盾说明现象的背后有一种不可知的东西的实在,即力的实在。现象是由不可知的实在决定的。鉴于力的恒久性”,他认为进化是伴有物质消散的物质凝聚,物质从不固定的同质进化到固定的、集结的异质状态,又回到不固定的、分散的同质状态。这种进化状态以力的实在状态的推动表现出来。消散和凝聚最后达到完全均衡的状态,但均衡又因分散的过程而开始运动。

    In the First principles (II), Spencer, encouraged by the philosophy theory of the split of noumenon and phenomenon, holds that social phenomena, including material, motion, space, time, etc. and these concepts are relative. For example, the material can be infinitely divisible, and it can also be made up of indivisible particles. There is an unknowable reality behind this paradox, that is, the reality of force. The phenomenon is determined by an unknowable reality. In view of the "the permanence of force", he thinks that evolution is the condensation of substances accompanied by their dissipation, and those substances evolve from unfixed homogeneity to a fixed convergence of heterogeneous condition, and then back to the original. This evolutional state is presented by the promotion of force under the real state. Dissipation and coagulation achieve a complete equilibrium in the end, but equilibrium begins to move in the process of dispersion later.

  • 作者简介
  • 赫伯特·斯宾塞(Herbert Spencer,1820年4月27日–1903年12月8日),英国哲学家、社会学家。他为人所共知的就是“社会达尔文主义之父”,所提出的一套学说把进化理论适者生存应用在社会学上尤其是教育及阶级斗争。但是,他的著作对很多课题都有贡献,包括规范、形而上学、宗教、政治、修辞、生物和心理学等等。

    Herbert Spencer (27 April 1820 – 8 December 1903) was an English philosopher, biologist, anthropologist, sociologist, and prominent classical liberal political theorist of the Victorian era.Spencer developed an all-embracing conception of evolution as the progressive development of the physical world, biological organisms, the human mind, and human culture and societies.

  • 目录