
  • 可乐加冰 可乐加冰

    “‘Nay, but thou art indeed my little son, whom I bore in the...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    The ballad that was obviously sacrificed with life was said to have no soul, and the nightingale gave her life. The student thinks it knows nothing, and he doesn't even notice the nightingale who pays silently. He scolded the girl for being ungrateful, so did he. Moreover, he is too weak to learn philosophy clearly, but he can't see the essence of things clearly. He rebuked the futility of love, because he was defeated in love, and rebuked the futility of philosophy, because he was expecting love. He has no idea of his own. Regarding this student, Wilde wrote in a letter: "In my opinion, he is a very shallow young man, almost as bad as the girl he thinks he is in love with." He has read a lot of books, but he can't use them to solve the smallest problems he meets in life. He thought that the only reason that prevented him from getting the professor's daughter was the lack of a red rose, but he didn't understand that love should not depend on foreign things.

    2023-07-14 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 可乐加冰 可乐加冰

    “And he answered,‘My mother is a beggar even as I am, and I...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    In the fairy tale The Nightingale and the Rose, Wilde tells a story: a young student falls in love with the princess, and the princess asks the students to send her red roses to dance with him, but red roses are hard to find; The nightingale knew this, and sacrificed her life for red roses for young students to get love; Finally, the students gave the princess red roses, but the princess refused the students because the nephew of the court minister gave her jewels. Finally, the students denied love and returned to philosophy. The story is simple and sad, and there is no happy ending, but I think it tells a lot of truth in love.

    2023-07-14 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 可乐加冰 可乐加冰

    “But he said to them,‘I am not worthy, for I have denied the...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    Generally speaking, The Nightingale and the Rose is a literary work with profound connotation, which reveals the essence of life and the weakness of human nature with concise words and vivid images. This book is not only suitable for children to read, but also for adults to appreciate the true meaning of life and feel the beauty and warmth conveyed by Wilde.

    2023-07-14 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 可乐加冰 可乐加冰

    “king. And the gate of the palace opened, and the priests and...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    In his book, Wilde combines the sacrifice of nightingale with the impermanence and difficulty of life, which makes people think about the meaning and value of life. Through the image of nightingale, he conveys the idea that life is short and precious, and appeals to people to cherish the happiness and beauty in front of them. At the same time, the roses in the book symbolize love and beauty, and also imply that they are often destroyed and defiled by secular invasion. The writing style of this book is full of poetic and romantic colors, which makes people feel the fantasy and beauty of fairy tales as well as the philosophy and essence of life in the process of reading. Wilde showed readers a real and complicated world through The Nightingale and the Rose, which made us see the fragility and preciousness of love, life and beauty.

    2023-07-14 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 可乐加冰 可乐加冰

    “Yet ruled he not long: so great had been his suffering and so...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    Generally speaking, The Nightingale and the Rose is a literary work with profound connotation, which reveals the essence of life and the weakness of human nature with concise words and vivid images. This book is not only suitable for children to read, but also for adults to appreciate the true meaning of life and feel the beauty and warmth conveyed by Wilde.

    2023-07-14 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 可乐加冰 可乐加冰

    “And they fell on his neck and kissed him, and brought him into...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    In his book, Wilde combines the sacrifice of nightingale with the impermanence and difficulty of life, which makes people think about the meaning and value of life. Through the image of nightingale, he conveys the idea that life is short and precious, and appeals to people to cherish the happiness and beauty in front of them. At the same time, the roses in the book symbolize love and beauty, and also imply that they are often destroyed and defiled by secular invasion. The writing style of this book is full of poetic and romantic colors, which makes people feel the fantasy and beauty of fairy tales as well as the philosophy and essence of life in the process of reading. Wilde showed readers a real and complicated world through The Nightingale and the Rose, which made us see the fragility and preciousness of love, life and beauty.

    2023-07-14 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 多吃不胖 多吃不胖

    “passed” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

      裴多斐说:”生命诚可贵,爱情价更高.”但我始终不懂,会有什么人愿为爱情付出生命呢? 爱情难道就像罂粟,一点点侵蚀着人的神经和肢体?那些深陷爱情中的人,视网膜上的成像是不是都变得模糊? 夜莺却说,被爱这种笼子困住的人是迷惘的却也是幸福的,它就如那忠贞强烈的人,用自己鼓动着的心脏和美妙歌喉来完成一朵妖娆绚烂的玫瑰——爱情.只是它太纯粹地向往了,以至于没有认清这如烟雾一般迷幻的爱情后不过是虚伪肮脏的垃圾.   青年的舞蹈没有完成,少女早就看上了富贵人家那成箱成堆的钻石金链,老树在为它恸哭,晨曦在为它悲悯,而还未彻底散去的夜幕在为它送葬,那朵沾着晶莹露水的玫瑰早被青年折下却在马车轮下香消玉损.太可笑,太可笑,用心中的鲜血浇灌的爱情却还不如冰冷的宝石,干净澄澈的感情被蒙上了一层不必要的阴霾.每个人都生活在这个喧嚣的尘世之中,权利,金钱,地位成了势利眼中的必需品,而且还得是能堆成山的那种.一个穷鬼就算是把自己的心脏无偿赠与了所爱之人,但也许还比不上一张薄薄的支票换得的爱意多.就像潘多拉的盒子, 掩盖住了最本质最深层的都是些灾难与痛苦,而人类丑恶的心理多半和铜臭味挂上了勾.  但是潘多拉盒子中最本质的还是希望,即使有爱上了权与财的人,也会有保持着一颗如夜莺一般美丽心灵的人.罗密欧与朱丽叶,就算是有着千般阻碍还是斩不断他们之间相连着的心意; 牛郎织女,隔着银河每年都会按时见上一面;就算是哈姆莱特也还是忘不了奥菲利娅那朵美丽的紫罗兰.爱情是双向的给予与分担,那份沉重而美丽的情感则是有担当之人才敢接下的,没有真正责任意识的人,终将会把爱情与它物进行衡量,在精神与物质之间动摇.早早摘下的花朵必将是紧闭着的,还未成熟的果实必将是苦涩的,没有夜莺心灵一般有觉悟的鲜血更是浇灌不出娇艳玫瑰的.

    2023-07-12 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • Yuᴗu Yuᴗu

    “And a cry of joy broke from his lips, and he ran over, and...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    From this experience, the Star-Child learns the importance of compassion and selflessness. He realizes that true beauty lies in acts of kindness and love, rather than in physical appearance. The story ends with the Star-Child vowing to be a better person and to use his beauty for good. The Star-Child is a powerful allegory that explores themes of beauty, compassion, and redemption. It serves as a reminder that true beauty is not superficial, but rather it is found in the way we treat others and in our capacity for empathy. In conclusion, The Star-Child is a thought-provoking story that teaches valuable life lessons. It reminds us to look beyond appearances and to value kindness and compassion. The story serves as a timeless reminder that true beauty comes from within, and that it is our actions and treatment of others that define us as individuals.

    2023-07-11 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • Yuᴗu Yuᴗu

    “And they fell on his neck and kissed him, and brought him into...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    As the Star-Child grows older, he becomes more and more obsessed with his beauty and despises anything that is not as beautiful as himself. One day, he encounters an old beggar woman who asks him for help. Instead of showing kindness, the Star-Child mocks and insults her. As a punishment for his cruelty, the beggar woman curses him and turns him into a hideous creature. The Star-Child is then forced to wander through the world, facing rejection and ridicule from everyone he meets. He learns the hard way that beauty is not the most important thing in life and that true beauty comes from within. Despite his transformation, the Star-Child remains arrogant and refuses to change his ways. Eventually, the Star-Child comes across a group of children who are playing by a river. He sees a little girl drowning and, despite his grotesque appearance, he jumps into the water to save her. In that moment, the curse is broken, and the Star-Child is transformed back into his original form.

    2023-07-11 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • Yuᴗu Yuᴗu

    “The Star-Child” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    The Star-Child is a short story written by Oscar Wilde. The story follows the journey of a young boy who is born with a star on his forehead. Throughout the story, the Star-Child faces various challenges and learns important life lessons. The story begins with a poor woodcutter finding a baby with a star on its forehead. The woodcutter takes the baby home and raises him as his own. However, the Star-Child is not like other children. He is cruel and selfish, and he often mistreats those around him.

    2023-07-11 喜欢(0) 回复(0)