
  • 瑶英 瑶英

    “extended to mean” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2024-06-29 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • Autumn Autumn

    “This refers to an open, free, and flexible style of a work of...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2024-05-16 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • Autumn Autumn

    “Noble Spirit” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2024-05-16 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 唔云 唔云

    “motionless” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    The term refers to the fundamental state of the existence of things. Bian (变) and hua (化) may be used as one word or separately. Specifically, bian means manifest change, while hua indicates subtle and gradual change. Ancient Chinese thinkers generally held that all things under heaven and on earth, including humans and society, are all in a state of change. Only through constant change can they permanently exist and develop

    2023-12-27 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 唔云 唔云

    “April 11, 2015” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    In the era of cultural diversity and multipolar discourse today, cultures of different countries and civilizations of different peoples are integrating faster, in greater depth, and on a greater scope than ever before. All countries and peoples have their own systems of thought, culture, and discourse, which should all have their place in the civilization and discourse systems of the world. They all deserve due respect.

    2023-12-26 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 胡慧娜 胡慧娜

    “他们认为,世界的本体或本原是超越于有形事物之上的“无”。“无”没有具体的形态或属性,也就无法被命名和言说。因此,言语对思想的...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2023-11-30 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 胡慧娜 胡慧娜

    “All Under Heaven” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2023-11-30 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 胡慧娜 胡慧娜

    ““太虚”凝聚而为“气”,“气”消散而复归于“太虚”” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2023-11-30 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 胡慧娜 胡慧娜

    “All the People Within the Four Seas Are Brothers” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2023-11-30 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 胡慧娜 胡慧娜

    “古人所说的“诗”主要分古体诗和近体诗” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2023-11-30 喜欢(0) 回复(0)