
his thinking

Shakespeare loved and cherished all good things, and deplored the beauty of time. He wanted beauty to last forever and offered two solutions: procreation and poetry.Repeated advice to beautiful friends to get married, bring up the offspring, let beauty in the children to be inherited, and not "people to look empty." There is no other reason to procreate, let alone the fact that he wrote 17 poems to do so, which shows how much Shakespeare valued beauty.Unfortunately, while Shakespeare was affectionate, his lover was not so single-minded. She seemed to have the charm to move around in a way that would make Shakespeare jealous. He would have liked his sweetheart to love him, but he loved her so much that he almost lost himself, and, like a faithful servant, did nothing of what she did, while he endured great torment. He loves to hate interweave, only helplessly sigh. After reading Shakespeare's poems, I can't help feeling deeply about his devotion to life and passion, his enthusiastic vitality. Such a life, compared with I also like wang wei leisurely, su shi's free and easy, it is another wonderful bar.

