


Joyce once said that the purpose of Dubliners was "to write our own chapter in the moral and spiritual history of our country". But I think that what Joyce's keen observation reveals about the spirit of the Dubliners can also be said to be the spirit of the human race, especially in the modern world. For example, the fact of the decline of Catholic faith implied in Sisters and Grace is not only a phenomenon existing in Dublin, but also a phenomenon accompanying the secularization of human thought in the modernization process of the whole world. And isn't the petty clerk insulted by his boss in "A Little Cloud" a microcosm of the people oppressed by capital in modern capitalist society? And "The Painful Event", the intellectual mind which maintained its own independence, probably had similar traces in the minds of all its own intellectuals. In short, Dublin-born Joyce undoubtedly bears traces of his surroundings in his work, but "Dubliners" must not be regarded as a mere regional novel. Reading from the perspective of a human starting point will undoubtedly bring us greater enlightenment.

Dubliners is a collection of fifteen short stories. The stories were separated but condensed into a common theme. Joyce seemed to draw a sharp, objective, delicate and profound overview of Dublin society with these 15 stories. If you look at this work with impressionist eyes, it must be a dim grey blue, like the clothes of Irish labourers on the railway stained with soot.

The whole work mostly adopts the brushwork, and the trace of the stream of consciousness is light and slightly revealed. Most of the works capture the cross-section of the life of the bottom people in Ireland from the perspective of careful consideration, so as to reflect their spiritual world and psychological state to the readers. Understanding is one of the characteristics of Dubliners. The author's writing style is cold and distant, trying to reveal its content from the most sober and objective Angle. Through the two Bridges of realism and symbolism, Joyce drank in the apathetic and lifeless Irish society of the 1820s with sketches and satire, and expressed the pain and longing of the dull and numb Irish youth for the awakening of people and the vigorous emotion of the society.

Book begins with "sisters" in captivity in religious and busy life of father Flynn, "a small piece of dark clouds" indulge in fantasy fantasy penny DE le, the painful events in the lack of a sense of belonging, Mr Duffy and Mrs West test, and so on are all lonely numbness, morale sapping dubliners representatives, in a cloud of Irish society, GuFen desperate to Joyce can't see the hope of awakening from the younger generation, and all their emotions through its unique the lyrics gimmick works slowly pour in the short, though indifference objective tone, but everywhere is the true feelings.

Joyce called "dubliners" mental state of paralysis (paralysis), and this is located in Western Europe economy, people's living and general situation of the Irish economy, Ireland's young adults labor has a large number of transported to North America to build tracks, someone says American railway under each foot has five Irish undead. Lethargy and resignation lay deep in the blood of the Dubliners, and the Irish, under the oppression of England, hardly glimpsed the glory of life. Joyce longed to see the people's spirit filled and awakened, but she could do nothing about it. She could only anger her through bitter ridicule.


