
Ice Mountain theory


Moving in the sea, Icbai Mountain is majestic because only an eighth of it is above the water."

This is the Ice Mountain theory by Heming Zhuan Wei.When floating on the surface of the sea, we can only see a small part of the iceberg above the surface, but under the water, there are huge mountains hidden.Hemingway used this analogy to describe writing: writers have seven eighths of the thoughts and feelings are hidden behind the words, and only one eighth is really expressed through the end of the pen.

If the writer can handle this, the reader will feel the weight of the eighth strongly.



  • kkklll
    ​In 1895, psychologist Freud and Breuer published a study of Hysteria. Freud's famous "iceberg theory" was popularized in the world. In Freud's personality theory, he believed that human psychology is divided into three parts: superego, ego and id. The superego is usually composed of moral judgment and values. The ID is a variety of human desires, and the ego is between the superego and id. Corresponding to the superego, ego and id, he divided the psychological structure of human beings. Based on this division, he proposed the three selves of personality. He believed that human personality was just like an iceberg on the sea, revealing only a part, namely the conscious level. Most of the rest is unconscious, and most of it determines human development and behavior to some extent, including wars, fascists, vicious fights between human beings, and so on. So Freud devoted much of his energy to the study of the unconscious, which was also criticized by later generations. Freud and Hemingway put forward and applied the "iceberg theory" in their respective fields, so that the "iceberg theory" has been widely spread.
