The Call of the Wild is London's most read look ,and gennerally
considered his best,the most mastered his best, the most masterpiece
of his so callled &……展开↓
I have to say, Buck is a natural leader. He is fierce, strong,
courageous and calculating. It's not as weak and hard to convince people
as those military ……展开↓
As a type of novelette, I wasnt used to this cos Ive just finished
HarryPotter so in occasions novelette wrote very briefly. The background
of the author was ……展开↓
物竞天择,适者生存。——这是自然界永恒的规律,亦是人类社会普遍的准则。 Natural selection, survival of the
fittest. -This is an eternal law of nature and a universal norm of human society.展开↓
It mainly talks about: after two exhausted Taoists were killed in the
Arctic Circle in ice and snow, one of them was emotionally abandoned by
his companion ……展开↓