



  • 李雪骄
    The novel describes an old man, after eighty-four days without a fish, once, he was lucky to catch a big marlin. The old man found that it was a big marlin several times bigger than his fishing boat. The big marlin took the old man and the boat adrift for two whole days and nights. In these two days and two nights the old man has never experienced the difficult test, finally put the big fish to death. Later because of the big marlin wound on the fish smell attracted a few groups of sharks to grab food, finally the sharks ate up the big marlin, the old man dragged back is a pair of bare skeleton...... The road of life is tortuous and bumpy, encounter failure is a common thing, we should always have a strong, do not yield heart to face failure, success will certainly come to us.


  • 胡月嘉
    Jane eyre in the day of marriage with Mr. Rochester found that Rochester has a madman's wife after the psychological activities. Reflect Jane's inner struggle and hard choice: to stay or to leave? It also expresses Jane's despair over what happened at the wedding and her deep love for Mr. Rochester, and shows that Jane has a firm pursuit of her own happiness and emotion. At the same time, it also pays tribute to the tenacious struggle for a happy life.


  • 李斌
    Carrie came to Chicago, and after a while her disappointment was soon felt. She was living in her sister's house, in a state of poverty and humiliation which had spoiled her dreams. At this point Drouet, whom Carrie had met on the train, appeared. He extended a generous hand and offered financial assistance, and they moved in together. The present life was a little like the one she had dreamed of, but she found that the relationship was not well named. Then she met Hurstwood, a publican, and they fell in love with each other so quickly that Carrie saw the harmony between dream and reality. However, such a life could not have come so easily. Something had happened to the landlord. In desperation, Hurstwood fled to New York with Carrie. Later in life, she experienced hardship once again. By chance, Sister Carrie found work at the Opera, and her good looks and natural voice put to good use. She grew popular and wealthy, and Hurstwood became like a worn and rusted machine before her eyes. She left Hurstwood and lived a life of glory and wealth all to herself. Hurstwood grew down and killed himself.


  • 陆嘉琪
    On the way of love, there are mountains and rivers. Pride is a mountain that cannot be climbed, prejudice is a gulf that cannot be crossed. To wallow in delusions of self is the greatest sin that hinders love. Look at yourself and see that you have some flaws that you can't let go of in the other person's eyes. Examine yourself, think for yourself, don't listen to others slanderous and lose rational judgment. Both require courage, ask your heart, lower your "noble" head, let pride and prejudice become the captives of love. To dare to look at oneself is to be worthy of a good love. Examine your soul and keep it sincere and sincere. Only by doing so, can two souls be united and go hand in hand on the road of love


  • 用户584357
    I’m forced to read this novel at the beginning, but I can’t wait to finish it subsequently。   "It is a truth universally acknowledges that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife。" This is just as Leo Tolstoy’s famous starting in 《Anna Karenina》: "All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"。 To begin with such a design, Jane Austen has her deep meaning。 Marriage and money are inseparable。 The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession。 The author does not deny this。 So she uses typical Bennets to prove this truth。   The story takes place in the class-conscious England of the late 18th century。 The five Bennet sisters--including strong-willed Elizabeth and young Lydia--have all been raised by their mother with one purpose in life: finding a wealthy husband。 So when a wealthy bachelor shows up in their lives, the whole family is turned upside-down。 But when Elizabeth meets up with the handsome but snobbish Mr。 Darcy, the battle of the sexes is joined。   As we all know, Austen, in this novel, through the five Bennet daughters’ attitude towards love and marriage, shows the relationship between mental feelings, such as love, and material possessions , which also reflects the author''s attitude: Marry for the sake of property, money or status is wrong; marry but do not take into account the above factors is foolish。 As a result, she not only opposed to marry for the purpose of money, but also opposed to treat marriage as child''s play。 She stressed the importance of an ideal marriage。 But in modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind。   Then let’s e to talk about the meaningful topic of this love story: 《Pride And Prejudice》   Pride and prejudice are our mon problems and weaknesses。 In fact, everyone is very easy to be driven by his own subjective impression and thus easy to make incorrect ments on others, and then led to misunderstand between people。 One’s first impression can affect a lot of things for sure, but it doesn’t mean it couldn’t be changed。 The deeper you get to understand someone, the more objective points you will have on him or her。 The changing of Elizabeth’s point of view towards Darcy just proved this perfectly: no pride, no prejudice, and these two married just because they love each other, just because they need each other instead of need each other’s possessions。 Austen is smart, because Elizabeth got beauty and intelligence while Darcy is handsome and rich。 I even wonder if such a perfect marriage could take place in modern society。


  • 用户584357
    I’m forced to read this novel at the beginning, but I can’t wait to finish it subsequently。   "It is a truth universally acknowledges that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife。" This is just as Leo Tolstoy’s famous starting in 《Anna Karenina》: "All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"。 To begin with such a design, Jane Austen has her deep meaning。 Marriage and money are inseparable。 The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession。 The author does not deny this。 So she uses typical Bennets to prove this truth。   The story takes place in the class-conscious England of the late 18th century。 The five Bennet sisters--including strong-willed Elizabeth and young Lydia--have all been raised by their mother with one purpose in life: finding a wealthy husband。 So when a wealthy bachelor shows up in their lives, the whole family is turned upside-down。 But when Elizabeth meets up with the handsome but snobbish Mr。 Darcy, the battle of the sexes is joined。   As we all know, Austen, in this novel, through the five Bennet daughters’ attitude towards love and marriage, shows the relationship between mental feelings, such as love, and material possessions , which also reflects the author''s attitude: Marry for the sake of property, money or status is wrong; marry but do not take into account the above factors is foolish。 As a result, she not only opposed to marry for the purpose of money, but also opposed to treat marriage as child''s play。 She stressed the importance of an ideal marriage。 But in modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind。   Then let’s e to talk about the meaningful topic of this love story: 《Pride And Prejudice》   Pride and prejudice are our mon problems and weaknesses。 In fact, everyone is very easy to be driven by his own subjective impression and thus easy to make incorrect ments on others, and then led to misunderstand between people。 One’s first impression can affect a lot of things for sure, but it doesn’t mean it couldn’t be changed。 The deeper you get to understand someone, the more objective points you will have on him or her。 The changing of Elizabeth’s point of view towards Darcy just proved this perfectly: no pride, no prejudice, and these two married just because they love each other, just because they need each other instead of need each other’s possessions。 Austen is smart, because Elizabeth got beauty and intelligence while Darcy is handsome and rich。 I even wonder if such a perfect marriage could take place in modern society。


  • 石美琪
    As a literary work reflecting women, Pride and Prejudice feels the hardship of women in the society at that time. First, married women seem to lose their original name when they get married. Second, the Bennett family had inherited property that could only go to men, and the women had been left penniless after their father's death. Moreover, women's social activities at that time were extremely limited.


  • 石美琪
    As a literary work reflecting women,


  • 石美琪


  • 秦子琦
    At Thornfield Hall Jane was Adele's teacher. And Jane meets the owner of the manor, Rochester. In the process of getting along with the two people fell in love. Rochester decided to break the secular prejudice to Propose to Jane Eyre, Jane eyre was deeply moved, agreed to Rochester. However on the wedding day, Jane eyre learned that Rochester's legal wife is still alive. Unwilling to become a mistress Jane chose to leave Rochester, forget all this to start again.
