• 内容简介
  • 法国当地的官员禁止人们去布加拉什山,这座山是法国西南部的一座山,传言说在世界末日这天山顶会裂开,外星人将乘着太空飞船来营救附近的人类。




    Local officials banned access to the Pic de Bugarach, a mountain in the southwest where rumour has it the hilltop will open on the last day and aliens will emerge with spaceships to save nearby humans.

    Believers say the world will end on December 21, 2012, the end date of the ancient Mayan calendar, and they see Bugarach as one of a few sacred mountains sheltered from the cataclysm.

    According to Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, the Mayans were right and the apocalypse is near.

    In a spoof 50-second video appearance promoting a local radio station's breakfast show, Gillard provided hair-raising details that she said would come when the world ends this month, as the ancient Mayans calendar predicted.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 对世界末日的议论,成为了2012年年末最喧嚣的声音。12月21日被玛雅人定义为世界末日,有些信徒相信地球上有几个末日避难地,而其中一个就在法国。但是出于公共安全考虑,法国官员禁止人们去布加拉什山。


  • 目录
    • 【封面文章】法国封锁"世界末日山"阻止民众前来避难
    • 【相关阅读】澳总理“力挺”末日论 盼人民战斗到底
    • [Cover Story] French say 'non' to apocalypse refuge
    • [Related Reading] Australia's Gillard in spoof: Mayans were right, world is ending