- Lecture 1 Introduction: Five First Lessons
- Lecture 2 Putting Yourselves into Other People's Shoes
- Lecture 3 Iterative Deletion and the Median-Voter Theorem
- Lecture 4 Best Responses in Soccer and Business Partnerships
- Lecture 5 Nash Equilibrium: Bad Fashion and Bank Runs
- Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium: Dating and Cournot
- Lecture 7 Nash Equilibrium: Shopping, Standing and Voting on a Line
- Lecture 8 Nash Equilibrium: Location, Segregation and Randomization
- Lecture 9 Mixed Strategies in Theory and Tennis
- Lecture 10 Mixed Strategies in Baseball, Dating and Paying Your Taxes
- Lecture 11 Evolutionary Stability Cooperation, Mutation, and Equilibrium
- Lecture 12 Evolutionary Stability Social Convention, Aggression, and Cycles
- Lecture 13 Sequential Games Moral Hazard, Incentives, and Hungry Lions
- Lecture 14 Backward Induction Commitment, Spies, and First-Mover Advantages
- Lecture 15 Backward Induction Chess, Strategies, and Credible Threats
- Lecture 16 Backward Induction Reputation and Duels
- Lecture 17 Backward Induction Ultimatums and Bargaining
- Lecture 18 Imperfect Information: Information Sets and Sub-Game Perfection
- Lecture 19 Subgame Perfect Equilibrium Matchmaking and Strategic Investments
- Lecture 20 Subgame Perfect Equilibrium Wars of Attrition
- Lecture 21 Repeated Games Cooperation vs. the End Game
- Lecture 22 Repeated Games: Cheating, Punishment, and Outsourcing
- Lecture 23 Asymmetric Information Silence, Signaling and Suffering Education
- Lecture 24 Asymmetric Information Auctions and the Winner's Curse