
Sister Carrie


What do you think of the super-moralism of Sister Carrie?



  • Paddi
    Carrie was a poor country girl who desired for a comfortable life so she went to Chicago to pursue her dream. In order to remain in the city, she attached herself to Drouet. When she met Hurstwood who was wealthier and more attractive than Drouet, she betrayed Drouet by eloping to New York with Hurstwood. However, Hurstwood turned into a broken man soon so Carrie chose to leave him and made a living on her own. Finally, she became a famous star in Broadway through her efforts. This is also the process of the awakening of Carrie’s self-consciousness. In modern society, Carrie’s success has strong significance in reality especially to women. She sets a good example for teenagers that being a successful man should be independent in economy.


  • Jacqueline.C
    The whole book is mixed with a lot of discussion between the narratives, but there is no trace of criticism, not a trace of emotion. This attitude toward human beings and society is extremely pessimistic, and it is a despair for society and the helplessness of the ugliness of human nature. The author does not measure good or bad with a moral yardstick, but uses this pessimism to show the reality of society, which transcends morality or no morality, and the air is filled with the equation of the acquisition of money with the satisfaction of desire with success, the author does not say that this is wrong, but he imitates the status quo in a sad tone, and the author at this time is a bystander observing animals, and everything has nothing to do with society, only with instinctive desires. Although this view is one-sided, it is great.
