    The Sister of the Baroness

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    烟台大学 刘龙梅

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  • 自称为公爵夫人妹妹,语出惊人,竟是女仆。小说描写一位女仆与一群人趋炎附势的闹剧。主人公是裁缝的女儿,在陪伴公爵女儿看病期间假扮成公爵夫人妹妹,行为夸张,言语出人意料。周围的人却因其身份地位一味地尊崇。故事的最后,男爵夫人的到来,揭穿了裁缝的女儿仆人的身份。作者以揶揄手法描述了本世纪初巴伐利亚人趋炎附势的丑态。

    The Baroness sent a letter to the manager of an apartment to inform him that she will take her child to live there. People living in the apartment were excited to know this news. One day a young girl came with a child by a carriage to the apartment. She said she was the sister of the Baroness. Then many people begun to admire her and talked about her dressing, her manner and so on. There are six young men altogether to propose marriage to her. However, when the Baroness really arrived, she wants to find her maid, who is the daughter of her dressmaker. She said she has no sister at all. It is a sharp satire on the snobbishness of the people in that age.

  • 内容简介
  • 《男爵夫人的妹妹》一文尖锐地讽刺了在作者所处的那个时代,人们趋炎附势的心态。一位男爵夫人给公寓经理来信说她要带孩子一起入住,住在那里的人们听说了这个消息异常兴奋。一天马车送来了一个年轻女孩和小孩。她说她是男爵夫人的妹妹。于是人们开始崇拜她,谈论她的衣着和言谈举止。一时间有六个年轻人同时向她求婚。当男爵夫人真的到来以后,谎言才被拆穿,她只是裁缝的女儿。

    The Baroness sent a letter to the manager of an apartment to inform him that she will take her child to live there. People living in the apartment were excited to know this news. One day a young girl came with a child by a carriage to the apartment. She said she was the sister of the Baroness. Then many people begun to admire her and talked about her dressing, her manner and so on. There are six young men altogether to propose marriage to her. However, when the Baroness really arrived, she wants to find her maid, who is the daughter of her dressmaker. She said she has no sister at all. It is a sharp satire on the snobbishness of the people in that age.

  • 作者简介
  • 凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Manthfield,1888—1923),出生于新西兰,短篇小说作家,新西兰文学的奠基人,被誉为110多年来新西兰最有影响的作家之一。著名作品有《花园酒会》、《幸福》和《在海湾》等。她的全部创作都指向女性的生存处境,她以独特的形式,对女性解放这个重大的社会问题提供了文学的解救之道。

    Katherine Mansfield (14 October 1888—9 January 1923) was a prominent modernist writer of short fiction who was born and brought up in colonial New Zealand. Her stories often focus on moments of disruption and frequently open rather abruptly. Among her most well-known stories are The Garden Party, Bliss and The Fly. All her works have depicted the existing state of women. She has paved the way for the solution of the social problem of female emancipation in a uniquely literary manner.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 叙述者“我”在故事中只是听,只是观察,唯独不发出任何声音。完全沉默意味着“我”对公寓中其他女性人物并不赞同。这些女性人物自高自大、附庸风雅,反映出作者对父权制社会中女性的身份扮演的否定。

  • 媒体书评
  • 评论家Edward Wagenknecht认为“凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德把短篇小说艺术推到了这一艺术形式目前达到的最高的完美境界。


    Virginia Woolf once described Katherine Mansfield as "of the cat kind, alien, composed, always solitary and observant."

  • 目录
    • 男爵夫人的妹妹