
questions for week 13-15


1. What is the magical function of tea discovered by Chinese people?

2. How and when did Chinese people play Cuju?



  • 李茂垚
      Chinese ancient cuju is a traditional sport with a long history. It is not only a sport, but also a way of entertainment and an important part of Chinese culture. It is still popular in China today and is enjoyed by people of all ages.


  • 李茂垚
    Tea as cosmopolitan drinks, increasingly get the welcome of people. Both developed or developing country, in recent years the tea consumption was increasing.


  • 马琦
    An important development period of Cuju was the Han Dynasty, which originated from the threat of the Xiongnu in the north. Under the militaristic background of "the Han Dynasty fell by force", the Han Dynasty had new requirements on the physical quality, speed and flexibility of its soldiers. At that time, Cuju, as an effective means of military training, was widely used in the army. It not only enhanced the physique of soldiers in the game, but also enriched the life of the army, killing two birds with one stone.


  • 马琦


  • 苏玉祺
    1. China people found that tea can heal the body and calm the mind. 2.In the warring States period,Cuju has been appealed.People in China kick it for entertainment.


  • 李岩泽
    1。China tea culture is the culture of making and drinking tea in China. It is the hometown of tea in China. People in China discovered and used tea. It is said that it began in Shennong's time, at least for more than 4,700 years. Until now, Han people still have the custom of offering tea as a gift. As a classical school of tea culture in China, kung fu tea concentrated the essence of China tea ceremony culture, and was selected as the representative of China tea ceremony as a national intangible cultural heritage. The Japanese fried tea ceremony and the tea-making road in Taiwan Province, China are all from the congou tea in Chaozhou, China and Guangdong. 2.Cuju, also known as cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, cuju, Therefore, "Cuju" refers to the ancient activities of kicking, kicking and kicking the ball, similar to today's football. According to historical records, as early as the Warring States Period, the recreational game of Cuju was popular among the people in China, and it became a military training method from the Han Dynasty. Cuju organizations and artists appeared in the Song Dynasty, and ice cuju became popular in the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, it can be said that Cuju is a wonderful sport with a long history and great influence in ancient China.


  • 张博尧

    1.Tea can prevent many infectious diseases, it is very refreshing, and it can also quench thirst, at the same time eliminate greasy and heat detoxification is also a very important role of tea  

    2.As early as the pre-qin King Xuan of Qi period, that is, around the AD 300 BC, there has been the game cuju, so cuju in our country has a history of more than 2,300 years


  • 王学兵

    1、Detoxify. That is to say, tea was first discovered because of its detoxification effect

    2、Refreshing. Found and used the refreshing effect of tea

    3、It can quench thirst and stimulate saliva. When drinking tea, the tea soup can stimulate the inner wall of the mouth and make it secrete saliva.

    4、Clearing away heat. In traditional Chinese medicine, tea is cold, so it has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification.


  • 赵建雄

    1..Tea has gone through the stage of consumption from medicinal to daily drink. At that time, people regarded tea as a "detoxicated vegetable". 1) Soften blood vessels: tea can reduce the content of serum cholesterol and fibrin in blood vessels, thereby reducing blood lipids and softening blood vessels. (2) Anti inflammation: tea has the function of astringent and anti inflammation, and can prevent intestinal infectious diseases. (3) Tea can decompose some toxins in tobacco, especially the effect of nicotine on human health. (4) Antibacterial, anti-virus: tea has antibacterial, anti-virus, disinfection and other functions. It has obvious effects on cleaning small wounds, hemostasis and pain relief. (5) Anti caries: gargling with tea can prevent the formation of caries, which is beneficial to oral health.

    2.Cuju "means the ancient people used their feet to play football, which is similar to today's football.". According to historical records, as early as the Warring States Period, recreational Cuju games were popular among the Han people. Since the Han Dynasty, it has become a military training method. Cuju organizations and artists appeared in the Song Dynasty, and Cuju on ice was popular in the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, it can be said that Cuju is a wonderful sports flower with a long history and great influence in ancient China.


  • 杨苏珏
    As recorded in the Historical records of Opera, Cuju was popular from the Song Dynasty. Cuju at that time was somewhat similar to the present football.
