
What do you know about the author of the book Sure to Get Ahead?

​What do you know about the author of the book Sure to Get Ahead?


  • 用户664214
    "romance”than science, and is closer to the romances of nineteenth-century American writers such as Herman Melville and Nathaniel Hawthorne than it is to the work of Verne.


  • 用户664214
    Nowadays, "Time Travel" seems to have become a common subject of science fiction I iterature, and has been visual ized in many science fiction movies.Although this concept is no longer new and even the time machine has its theoretical basis based on the theory of relativity in1905,backto 1895,more than 100years ago,this bold idea had already been generated.


  • 用户664214
    Nowadays, "Time Travel" seems to have become a common subject of science fiction I iterature, and has been visual ized in many science fiction movies.Although this concept is no longer new and even the time machine has its theoretical basis based on the theory of relativity in1905,backto 1895,more than 100years ago,this bold idea had already been generated.This is from Herbert George Wel Is (1866-1946), the pioneerof British sciencefiction.


  • rmw
    peaking in silence is the most intimate communication two beings can achieve.


  • 黄诗语

    He was born at Revere, Mass., January 18, 1884.

    He was the son of a clergyman; was graduated at Harvard College in 1852, and at its Divinity School in 1860; and was pastor of the Unitarian Church at Brewster, Mass., in 1862-66.

    In the latter year he settled in New York and began drawing public attention to the condition and needs of street boys. He mingled with them, gained their confidence, showed a personal concern in their affairs, and stimulated them to honest and useful living.

    With his first story he won the hearts of all red-blooded boys every-where, and of the seventy or more that followed over a million copies were sold during the author's lifetime.
