
1. Who is Confucius?

1. Who is Confucius?


  • 用户724500


  • 用户724500
    Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who was born in 551 BCE.Confucius exemplified benevolence and integrity, and through his teaching, became one of China's greatest philosophers.For the students of Confucius, he was the living embodiment of a sage who leads others through his virtue, and they recorded his sayings, which eventually were edited into a book we know in English as " The Analects"


  • 张子豪
    Confucius (551 BC -- April 11, 479 BC), whose surname was Kong, first name Qiu, and styled Zhongni, was born in Zouyi, Lu (now Qufu, Shandong Province) during the Spring and Autumn Period. His ancestral home was Liyi (now Xiayi County, Henan Province). Uncle Liang He, mother Yan. Ancient Chinese thinker, politician, educator, founder of Confucian school.


  • 辄鹫
    Confucius,ancient Chinese thinkers, politicians, educators, founders of Confucian school.Confucius had a profound and lasting influence on later generations. His "benevolence" and "etiquette" have become important principles of national administration and personal self-cultivation; The civilian education thought of "teaching without class" enables the Chinese civilization to be inherited indefinitely; The systematic arrangement of ancient documents not only places their own ideals, but also makes the cultural heritage of the Chinese nation have profound connotation.


  • 杨镒宁
    Confucius (551 BC -- April 11, 479 BC), whose surname was Kong, first name Qiu, and styled Zhongni, was born in Zouyi, Lu (now Qufu, Shandong Province) during the Spring and Autumn Period. His ancestral home was Liyi (now Xiayi County, Henan Province). Uncle Liang He, mother Yan. Ancient Chinese thinker, politician, educator, founder of Confucian school.


  • 倪好
    Confucius (September 28 AD 551 BC --April 11 AD 479 BC), son surname, Kong, Ming Qiu, the word Confucius, ancestral Song Liyi ( now Shangqiu Xiayi County, Henan Province ), born in the spring and Autumn period in chouyi, Lu ( now Qufu ).


  • 武煜田
    Confucius (551 BC -- April 11, 479 BC), whose surname was Kong, first name Qiu, and styled Zhongni, was born in Zouyi, Lu (now Qufu, Shandong Province) during the Spring and Autumn Period. His ancestral home was Liyi (now Xiayi County, Henan Province). Uncle Liang He, mother Yan. Ancient Chinese thinker, politician, educator, founder of Confucian school.


  • 武煜田
    Confucius (551 BC -- April 11, 479 BC), whose surname was Kong, first name Qiu, and styled Zhongni, was born in Zouyi, Lu (now Qufu, Shandong Province) during the Spring and Autumn Period. His ancestral home was Liyi (now Xiayi County, Henan Province). Uncle Liang He, mother Yan. Ancient Chinese thinker, politician, educator, founder of Confucian school.


  • 周训程
    Confucius, also known as Kong Qiu or Kongzi, was an influential Chinese philosopher, teacher, and political figure who lived during the Spring and Autumn Period (around 551-479 BCE). He is revered as one of the most important figures in Chinese history and his teachings have had a profound impact on Chinese society, culture, and politics. Confucius’ philosophy emphasized the importance of moral values, social harmony, and ethical behavior. He emphasized the significance of the “Five Virtues,” which were benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness. Confucius believed that individuals could cultivate these virtues through self-improvement and by adhering to proper conduct and rituals.


  • 崔恩宁
    Confucius, also known as Kongzi (孔夫子), was a philosopher, politician, and educator in ancient China. Born in 551 BC, he is considered one of the most influential figures in Chinese history and the founder of Confucianism, one of the major schools of thought in China. Confucius emphasized the importance of moral values, such as benevolence, honesty, and loyalty, in governing and maintaining social order. He believed that education was the key to achieving personal and social harmony, and his teachings have had a lasting impact on Chinese culture and society.
