阅读《中国文化读本》Chapters 21-25,找到下列词语的英语表达方式。
Chapter 21会说并会写的:春节 年画 江南 剪纸 皮影戏 会说的:天津市(直辖市)苏州市(地级市)苏绣 湘绣 粤绣 蜀绣 《牛郎织女》《清明上河图》 Chapter 22会说并会写的:(生活的)喧嚣 清明节 人们三俩结伴 会说的:《清明上河图》五代 Chapter 23会说并会写的:老北京 豆浆 烤鸭 会说的:前门 臭豆腐 豆汁 相声 京韵大鼓庙会《茶馆》 Chapter 24会说并会写的:自来水 二战 会说的:外滩 Chapter 25会说并会写的:丝绸之路 江南 三国时期 会说的:新彊维吾尔自治区 莫高窟
用户723261Spring Festival, New Year pictures, J iangnan, Paper Cuttings,shadow play; Amidst the hustle and bustle, on Qingming Festival, people gather in groups of three; Old Beijing,soybean milk, roast duck; Tap water, World War II; The SilkRoad, J iangnan, during the Three Kingdoms period.
用户721407Spring Festival, New Year pictures, J iangnan, Paper Cuttings,shadow play; Amidst the hustle and bustle, on Qingming Festival, people gather in groups of three; Old Beijing,soybean milk, roast duck; Tap water, World War II; The SilkRoad, J iangnan, during the Three Kingdoms period.
用户721407Spring Festival, New Year pictures, J iangnan, Paper Cuttings,shadow play; Amidst the hustle and bustle, on Qingming Festival, people gather in groups of three; Old Beijing,soybean milk, roast duck; Tap water, World War II; The SilkRoad, J iangnan, during the Three Kingdoms period.
江南羽Spring Festival, New Year pictures, Jiangnan, Paper Cuttings, shadow play; Amidst the hustle and bustle, on Qingming Festival, people gather in groups of three; Old Beijing, soybean milk, roast duck; Tap water, World War II; The Silk Road, Jiangnan, during the Three Kingdoms period.